Developing people analytics capabilities during Q3 Boost topic

2 min readOct 13, 2022


written by Roel Van Aken

🚀 The end of the Quarter means the (intermediate end if continuation) end of a new data-driven Boost topic. 🚀 Within Telenet a Boost topic is an amazing collaboration between a multidisciplinary data team that clicks in with a business team to solve a strategic challenge by using data 🚀 Every quarter, we do up to 6 Boost topics within Telenet.

📢 This quarter (and last quarter), I had the honor to lead an amazing data team to focus on developing structural people analytics capabilities that enables people leaders and the HR domain to take pro-active and informed people and staffing decisions based on internal and market data. A focused data-driven approach is needed in this area: “War for Talent” and the “Great Resignation” are buzz words popping up more and more, changing skill requirements due to for instance increased digitalization are clear and also within Telenet we have a lot of interesting transformational projects which require a balanced and qualitative workforce.

⭐️⭐️ Increasing data usage and data literacy in an HR domain is sometimes challenging, but we made amazing progress and are managing to move the needle more and more by having the right data-driven conversations and more will come soon… ⭐️⭐️

👉 I am already looking forward to the next quarter!

To give the right credits to the team, I would like to put them in the spotlights… but I noticed that I only have non-working pictures of this amazing team … which probably shows that we are not only working hard as a team, but we are also often celebrating our successes together 🤦‍♀️

Thanks Noor, Eveline, Carmen, Gitte, Marlies, Karel & Amy for this amazing Q3!

