The wealthiest people are more focused on starting or expanding businesses. What is yours?

DataScience LTD
2 min readMay 18, 2019


33.7% of youth aged 18 -25 years cited starting or expanding a business as their most important future goal. The same goal was followed by youth aged 26 -35 years at 34.7%, data from the 2019 Fin Access Report shows.

Also, people aged over 55 years cited buying or building a house/ apartment to live in as their most important future goal at 25.5%. The same goal was followed by youth aged 26 -35 years at 19.4%.

33.1% of youth aged 18 -25 years also cited education for self or family as an important future goal.

Despite the low percentages, 16.3% of youth aged 26 -35 cited buying land as an important future life goal. The same goal was followed by 14.6% of youth aged 46–55 years.

What then are the most important future goals by wealth quintile?

It appears that the main future goal of the highest wealth quintile, richest, is to start or expand business at 31% followed by buying land at 18.0%, while the lowest wealth quintile, poorest, cite education for self or family at 28.9% followed by starting or expanding business at 28.0%.

