Crowdsale Tips & Rules

Datawallet Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 5, 2018

Dear Datawallet Community,

The Datawallet crowdsale is fast approaching and in order to ensure that eligible participants can contribute to our Token Sale in a safe and secure way, we have compiled an overview of best practices and rules which we will implement throughout the crowdsale starting today (February 5th 2018) at 1 PM GMT.

Tips to safeguard you against scams

In order to safely participate in the Datawallet crowdsale, please follow the following steps:

1. Never trust anyone sharing any ETH address or offering any bonus or discounts via private messages on Telegram. Both, Datawallet and the AmaZix team, will never send you a private message containing any contribution address. Please note that there are scammers that impersonate, both, Datawallet and AmaZix and go to great lengths to scam contributors by changing their name, username and picture to resemble admins in an attempt to scam people.

Please follow this one easy rule: If you receive any offer via a private message, it is a scam. Please block that person and report their account in our Telegram group immediately.

2. Always trust the pinned message. Pinned messages can only be written by admins, so all information contained in it is legitimate. Our Telegram group is:

Additionally, the pinned message will always contain the most relevant information, such as Token Sale Instructions and all important links to the official website and official social media channels.

3. Bookmark the official website. One of the most common scams is scammers creating an almost identical website and changing only one letter in the website address link. Our website is Please bookmark it to be sure you are always visiting the legitimate Datawallet website.

4. Always double check email addresses. Scammers often send fake emails containing fake contribution addresses or fake website addresses. You should always be careful with any received email and confirm whether that email address is legit. Please note that all communication about the token sale will always only come from Please always check the email address of the sender.

Please note furthermore that Datawallet will never send you any contribution address via email. Please be careful regarding these types of scams as well.

Rules for the crowdsale

We have implemented a set of rules that will be applied 30 minutes prior to the Token Sale and be in place up until 24 hours after the end of the Token Sale.

1. 30 minutes prior to the Token Sale the group will be muted by an AmaZix bot, so only admins can write.

2. In order to prevent a flood of messages in the group, i.e. by users writing multiple times after the group is muted, the bot is set to delete two messages from the same user. After two consecutive messages, the bot will ban the user.

3. The bot immediately bans anyone posting any ETH address or link.

If you encounter any scam, abuse, or misleading information, please report it via Telegram and contact our support at

Upwards and Onwards!

The Datawallet Team



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