Community Update #31

Datawallet at Dezentral, How the Data Market Works & More

3 min readAug 27, 2018

Dear Datawallet Community,

with some exciting updates and developments ahead, Community Update numero 31 is coming to you slightly later than usual. The team is still working overtime on the platform, launch partners, business development, content and more. We’d also love to hear your thoughts on what kind of content you would like to see more of below, so let’s jump into this week’s brief update:

Join Datawallet at Dezentral in Berlin

As previously shared Datawallet is supporting the inaugural Berlin Blockchain Week and we therefore are also present at the headliner conference Dezentral. We will have a Datawallet lounge area where you can stop by and say hi to some team members and our CEO Serafin Engel is also amongst the speakers for the event.

If you want to join us the conference you can use the following discount code to get 10% off the tickets: DatawalletxDezentral


How the Personal Data Market Works

We thought it would be cool to give you a brief overview of how your personal data is generally collected and handled in the current market environment. So we created a little infographic explaining it:


Datawallet Content

We also wanted to use this week’s update to ask you about the type of content you want to see more of. Above is an example of a simple infographic and you have probably also seen some video content we produced like the recap from our trip to Draper University below:

With that, we would very much appreciate you reaching out to us via Telegram, Twitter, Reddit, etc. about the type of content we should produce more of. We are thinking of more explainer type videos, AMAs with our CEO or CTO, in-depth essays, blockchain technical content and more.

Reach out to us via our Telegram Group


We also have a cool announcement this week, until then, this is it for this week’s update. If you have further questions please contact the team via our official Telegram Group or stay up to date with only the most important news via our official Telegram Datawallet Daily Channel.

Make sure to also follow Datawallet on Twitter // Medium // Reddit // Youtube

Datawallet Take control of your data.




Datawallet gives you all the tools you need to easily comply with today’s and tomorrow’s data regulations. Visit our website: