Azure Data Factory (ADF)

Data Engineer
3 min readApr 30, 2023



Azure Data Factory is a cloud-based data integration service that allows you to create, schedule, and manage data pipelines. It enables data engineers to easily ingest, prepare, transform, and process data from various sources, such as structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data, and store it in various destinations, such as Azure Blob Storage, Azure Data Lake Storage, Azure SQL Database, and more.

One of the key benefits of Azure Data Factory is its ability to integrate with other Azure services, such as Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Databricks, and Azure Machine Learning, to provide a complete end-to-end data integration and analytics solution.

Architecture of Azure Data Factory

Yes, your understanding is correct based on the architecture diagram for Azure Data Factory.

In summary, the data pipeline process would typically follow these steps:

1. Data is placed in an external source, such as Azure Blob Storage.

2. In Azure Data Factory, you create a linked service that connects to the external data source (in this case, Azure Blob Storage).

3. You create a dataset that references the linked service and defines the schema and structure of the data being processed.

4. You create one or more activities within a pipeline, such as data transformation or data movement activities, that use the dataset to process the data.

5. The transformed data is stored in a destination, such as Azure SQL Database or another storage location.

Overall, linked services, datasets, and activities are key components of Azure Data Factory that allow you to create and manage data pipelines that move and transform data between external sources and destinations.

Lets deep dive into components of ADF

1.Connect to Data Sources: Azure Data Factory allows you to connect to various data sources such as Azure SQL Database, Azure Blob Storage, and other cloud-based and on-premises data sources.

2. Linked Services: A linked service is a configuration that defines the connection information for a data store, compute resource, or a service that the pipeline will interact with. It acts as a bridge between Azure Data Factory and the external data source, allowing data to be moved between them.

3. Define Datasets: After connecting to data sources, you can define datasets that describe the structure and location of the data being processed in the pipeline. A dataset defines the schema and data format of the data source, such as a table in a database.

4. Create Pipelines: Azure Data Factory allows you to create pipelines that define the workflow for moving and transforming data from the source to the destination. A pipeline is made up of one or more activities, which can be data movement, data transformation, or control activities.

5. Monitor and Manage Pipelines: Once you have created pipelines, you can monitor their status and manage errors as they occur. You can also configure alerts and notifications to help you proactively manage your data integration processes.

6. Schedule Pipelines(Triggers): You can also schedule your pipelines to run on a regular basis, such as hourly or daily, using Azure Data Factory’s scheduling features.

Overall, Azure Data Factory is a powerful tool that allows you to build, monitor, and manage data pipelines that move and transform data from various sources to various destinations, making it easier to integrate and manage data across your organization.


Finally, It provides a complete end-to-end data integration and analytics solution. By leveraging Azure Blob Storage as a source or destination, users can easily move and transform data to create powerful data pipelines that meet their requirements. With its advanced features and ease of use, Azure Data Factory is a top choice for organizations seeking to streamline their data integration and analytics workflows in the cloud.

“Please see my next blog post for more information on Azure Data Factory.”

