Your Data is Worse Than You Think

2 min readAug 22, 2019


You hear stories about what’s in the data. Someone thinks they saw this value being recorded in your data warehouse. Someone else is sure there’s a column that has the value you’re looking for.

But no one knows for sure. They think it’s there. They think it’s being recorded.

But there’s no documentation.

Even if the data you want is there (it isn’t, it never is), because it’s not documented, it’s like it doesn’t exist. If no one is working in the data, there are likely errors, omissions, and other failures to accurately record the information. It’ll take time and effort to figure out what you do have and determine whether it’s usable.

Like a house that isn’t maintained, data systems are fragile and will break down if they aren’t cared for. Only through constant use and management can you ensure the windows aren’t broken, the paint isn’t peeling, and the roof isn’t falling in.

So the next time you find yourself making a big (and expensive) business decision based on the belief that someone has the data you need, take a moment to ask, “Show me.” Pull up the data. Validate the inputs. Make sure it’s been recorded properly and actually tells you what you expect it to tell you.

Don’t let their confidence and expertise sway you. If they can’t show you the data and prove it’s quality, then you don’t have the data you need.

Otherwise, you’re making bets based on hearsay and will find yourself asking “Why didn’t anyone tell me it was this bad?”

The answer is they didn’t know. They didn’t have to know. Because no one had asked them before.

So make sure you ask.

