「Rebuild Ownership 2.0: Internet Privacy」 Hackathon Wrap-up

5 min readDec 29, 2023


Following the success of the Rebuild Ownership hackathon this summer, we’re thrilled to host Rebuild Ownership 2.0: Internet Privacy, alongside some amazing partners. We’re excited to keep the momentum going and to see some groundbreaking projects that came out of it. The hackathon spawned amazing creations, and we’re committed to supporting builders in making their ideas a reality.


⏰ November 10th — December 21st

👨‍💻 800+ Hackers

🤝 6 Partners

🛠 6 Workshops

💸 $18,000 USD in Prizes

✈️ 50+ Projects

🏆 11 Winning projects

✨ The Initiative

Internet privacy is crucial as it safeguards personal data, preserves autonomy, and protects against surveillance. It fosters trust in online interactions and ensures individuals can control what they share, making it fundamental in the digital age.

However, we’ve all had our data sold to third parties without consent, becoming the product of internet. This became one of the main goals for the new internet era — web3 to solve. In web3, privacy is a cornerstone of the decentralized internet, offering users greater control over their data and enhanced consent mechanisms, with technologies like DID, dStorage, ZKP, MPC and FHE.

「Rebuild Ownership」as a series global hackathon, is designed to gather the pioneer protocols in the space and offer hackers a holistic experience of tackling on internet privacy using web3 technologies. We are thrilled to have partners which include Fhenix, PSE (TLSNotary), Tableland, Filecoin and Linera.

🤝 Our partners

We couldn’t have made this hackathon a success without community support. We want to thank our communities for vouching for us and helping spreading the words. They are: Eth Taipei, Eth Dublin, Eth PADTHAI, Urbe.eth, Eth Zurich, Developer Dao, ZJUBCA, MetaEra, PANews, Dorahacks, Devfolio, BeWater, Antalpha Labs, TinTinLand, WTF Academy, Aspecta, Odyssey Dao, Builder Dao, Rebase, Denglian, LearnWeb3, Offchain, The Phenix Guild, HY Dao, Social3, Blockheader web3, Hack4Bengal, Aya Talent.

And heartfelt appreciation goes to our bounty partners, whose support went far beyond offering prizes and tech stacks. Their invaluable contribution included crafted workshops that offered comprehensive guidance and unparalleled education. The gathering of this crew of protocols is an indicator for builers who want to help secure internet privacy. They are: Fhenix, PSE (TLSNotary), Tableland, Filecoin and Linera.

🏆 Winners

We are thrilled to announce the winners of 「Rebuild Ownership 2.0: Internet Privacy」” After an intense 6-week hacking filled with innovation and heated discussions, we received many exciting projects that blew our minds. With a week of careful consideration and judging, we are proud to announce that the DataverseOS bounty winners are: dLog, WarField, Lucid, GenHub, and Krypton Wallet.

Who are the winning projects?

dLog: inject DataverseOS content monetization & pricing mechanism into RSS3 crossbell.

WarField: a multiplayer game on EVM via DataverseOS and Tableland. Support real time battles and chat as community.

Lucid: use DataverseOS and AI to record and analysis users’ dreams

GenHub: GenHub uses AI to generate real-people-like characters with prompt generation using dalle. These models are stored as private to the users with DataverseOS.

Krypton Wallet: Our newly introduced feature entails a smart contract wallet, meticulously designed to incorporate both guardian assistance and comprehensive 2-factor authentication support.

Our partners’ bounty winners are:


FederatedFHE: FederatedFhe leverages the power of Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) to address security and privacy concerns in Federated Learning (FL). By performing aggregation on encrypted models, FLuFHE prevents the aggregator from accessing the actual model parameters, protecting against both inference attacks and stealth attacks. ($3000)

Cipher DEX: Built a DEX that takes the advantage of FHE to avoid being MEVed as the swap amount are encrypted. ($1500)

Unknown Protocol: Unknown protocol is a revolutionary private asset streaming protocol that brings subscriptions, salaries, vesting, and rewards to DAOs worldwide without revealing the amounts. ($500)

🌟PSE (TLSNotary):

Guardian Link: Guardian-LINK is an innovative integration of Social-Fi, MPC, FHE and ZK, and is designed to address a few problems and offer an inclusive social platform for linking with folks around the world. ($666)


WarField: a multiplayer game on EVM via DataverseOS and Tableland. Support real time battles and chat as community. ($1000)


Filmedia: Where Creativity Meets Connectivity in Web3 — Unleash Your Potential, Earn with Every Creation, and Showcase Your Dedication with Evolving NFTs! ($1000)


ResPeer is a Peer-to-Peer content publishing application on Linera. ($2500)

❤️ We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the participants whose invaluable efforts made this hackathon a success. Throughout the event, we received valuable feedback on the implemented ideas and witnessed teams progress from initial ideation to securing well-deserved prizes. Our sincere appreciation extends to every individual involved, including our partners, for their pivotal role in creating this unforgettable hackathon experience. We can’t wait to continue the Rebuild Ownership hackathon series. If Rebuild Ownership resonated with you or inspired you in any way, stay tuned for more to come!

📚 Resources

Workshops were shared in order to introduce the tech stacks and offer a hands-on experience. Workshops from DataverseOS and its partners allowed participants to explore new tools and gain insights for their potential projects. If you are interested in learning more, click the links to watch:

DataverseOS workshop -: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Duh4ANsNN_o

Fhenix workshop -: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1C-Mb5rHwv9V35u5W1o8GVVexhMCrzHc1

Filecoin workshop -: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwls6FlS4vk

PSE (TLSNotary) workshop -: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15eLizaLOH3T83EWIYvc3YJh6fTLnjbl9/view?usp=sharing

Tableland workshop -: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEP0jpTunuU

Linera workshop -: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zr6BWodQ0sI

About DataverseOS

DataverseOS is the Web3 data operating system, which controls and coordinates Web3 protocols among users and varied applications. It brings a programmable data layer for developers to create storage-based dApps that returns data ownership to users, especially web-scale use-cases e.g. content platforms, social networks, cloud storage, note-taking tools and more. Ownership Labs is the core developer team behind DataverseOS. The team is invested by Protocol Labs, Hashkey Capital, Youbi Capital, Fenbushi Capital, and partners with Ceramic and Lit. We engage in global hackathons including ETHTaipei/ETHPorto/HackFS, and join Linux foundation as a Silver member. Previously, DataverseOS received public-good grants from 20K+ Gitcoin donors, and will explore an open-sourced Web3 Kernel.

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Dataverse is the new paradigm of data legos, dedicated to empowering everyone to control digital identities, data sovereignty, and contents.