Dave Hallmon

Sep 29, 2024

19 stories

Tangled Threads

In this deeply personal reflection, Dave draws parallels between the Israelites’ groaning in Exodus 2:23-25 and their own moments of crying out to God during trials. With wisdom from scripture and insights from classic Christian writers like Charles Spurgeon and Matthew Henry, they share how God’s promises sustained them through physical pain, emotional struggles, and spiritual transformation. This post invites readers to consider how God hears and responds to their own cries, even in their darkest moments.
In this deeply personal blog, Dave reflects on his journey from addiction to sobriety, drawing on themes from Bon Iver’s Holocene and the concept of vacance—time away from life’s demands. Through moments of struggle and renewal, Dave explores how seemingly insignificant experiences can become turning points for transformation. His story serves as a reminder that hope and redemption can be found in life’s most unexpected places.
In this reflective blog post, author Dave shares personal stories of prophetic words spoken over his life and how they unfolded in ways he didn’t expect. Drawing parallels to the biblical story of Jacob and Esau, Dave explores how God’s plans can work through even flawed human actions. Through these reflections, he invites readers to trust in God’s sovereignty, even when life doesn’t follow the path they envisioned.
In this deeply personal blog post, author Dave reflects on the loss of his cousin, J, and the quiet grief that accompanies their distant connection. Through poignant poetry and honest reflection, Dave explores themes of loss, healing, and the unanswered questions left behind. With raw emotion and grace, he invites readers to join the conversation on how we cope with the complexity of grief and find peace amidst the silence.
Dave explores the symbolic meaning of the heel in the story of Jacob and Esau and how this ancient narrative of striving, vulnerability, and transformation still resonates today. Through personal reflection and scriptural insight, Dave invites readers to examine their own spiritual walk—embracing trials, grace, and redemption along the way. This thought-provoking piece encourages deep conversation about faith, struggle, and God's redeeming strength.
In Black Gloves, Dave reflects on the lasting impact of the 2014 unrest in St. Louis and a personal experience of being robbed at gunpoint in 2017. Through poetry and personal storytelling, he explores the fear, trauma, and the masks we wear to conceal it.
In this reflection, Dave shares a meaningful family journey down Highway 1, drawing connections between cherished memories and the wisdom found in Ecclesiastes 11:1. Through personal stories of transitions, simple traditions, and the fleeting nature of life, Dave invites readers to explore how small investments in family and faith can leave a lasting impact.
Dave reflects on the legacy of a simple Brownie camera passed down through generations, capturing not only images but the memories that shape a family. Through vivid storytelling, Dave explores how relics carry the tangled threads of the past, present, and future, inviting readers to share their own stories and join the conversation.
In this post, Dave explores the personal and spiritual lessons he gleaned from Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. Reflecting on his own search for meaning and faith, Dave shares how Jonathan’s journey to break free from limitations resonated with his own struggles during college and beyond. Through a series of stories—ranging from philosophical campfire conversations with friends to profound moments of spiritual awakening—Dave invites readers to consider how their own life experiences, both expected and unexpected, might mirror the search for faith and purpose. This post challenges readers to “bother to learn more” and to engage deeply with their spiritual journeys.
Dave reflects on how enduring personal trials shapes faith and reveals God’s hidden mercy. Drawing from both scripture and his own life experiences, he invites readers to explore how suffering builds character and ultimately leads to hope.
Dave explores a powerful and ancient prayer attributed to Melito of Sardis, a second-century Christian bishop. Drawing from the rich theological fragments of early Christianity, the prayer highlights Christ’s eternal nature, His presence from creation through redemption, and His ultimate reign as King.
Here Dave reflects on a pivotal moment in his early twenties when a vivid spiritual warning steered him away from danger. Through this personal story, he explores the importance of daily devotion, spiritual preparedness, and the strength found in community worship.
In this reflection, Dave explores the way his worship and faith provided comfort during a dark night of the soul, tying into his own relationship with God.
In this personal story, Dave delves into how the echoes of the past continue to shape his understanding of family, identity, and his hope.
Here, Dave invites readers to explore the profound meaning behind his given name and the personal stories that reveal deep family connections.
Here Dave reflects on the intertwining of faith, memory, and loss, by sharing a powerful story from his family’s history.
Dave begins to reflects on the scattered pieces of his past, both literal and figurative, and how they’ve shaped his understanding of identity.
In this reflection, Dave examines how personal beliefs and societal failures intertwine, asking hard questions about justice, mercy, and God's purpose.
With openness and honesty, Dave discusses the profound experiences that set him on the path to knowing Jesus.
Dave Hallmon

Dave Hallmon

Dave explores the intersection of his life, faith, family, and technology. His thoughts are his own and don't reflect his employer's views or positions.