Harlon Davey
2 min readSep 12, 2016

From May 20, 2011

Remember the things in life that are important to you and ignore the distractions that separate me from them. There are things, places, spaces, times where I find my happiness, my connections to others, to my healthy and loving self. I am happy when I move forward, guided by purpose.

Love. Don’t give up on finding it. That connection where we tell each other our stories, we live in them together and we move forward and create new stories together. Sharing, observing. Being there.

Friends who don’t give up or judge. Friends who will draw me in when I start to pull myself away; or drift, or when I cannot break free from something that I am chained to.

Animals. Remember the inspiration that animals give you and how they have appeared in my life; as signals, as answers, as the best friend in my life.

Do not hesitate to inhabit good memories.

Nature. Don’t live my life in a style that keeps me inside, fearful or hiding. I don’t know from what and I don’t know the why. Sometimes I just get scared or anxious and if hope has become lost I know I can find it in the sensual world of nature, of evolution.

Allow myself to be embraced and to embrace. Wander amongst the warm pockets of air on a damp balmy night. Look closely. Smell. Touch. Taste. Igniting my senses keeps me feeling alive, keeps me wanting to keep feeling alive.

Honesty. I will always spin wheels if I am not true. I can hide and I can destroy myself if I hide. I can keep everything easier if I hide. Easier, not for long and not for good.

I got this one.

Share. Find ways to connect with others and talk about our struggles and our joys. Share the hurt and share the anecdotes. We are probably not alone. We don’t need to feel stuck if we can talk to each other and each time talk a bit more.

Go further slowly and what seems difficult now, will become less of a struggle if I face it again. It’s like passing through the storm.

Commitment. I understand the cycles I feel in my life. I know the choices I make are important. I am learning so much about myself.

Feel good because I can handle change and I know that it’s also OK to stay the same.

Integrity. Be a man of my word, a man of my values.

Addendum (September 12, 2016): Time flies. It flies better when you are having fun.

Harlon Davey

Exploring the gap between the patient experience and public policy, unconflicted and patiently live and in by blog http://apatientvoice.com/