How to enable, disable Blind Signing on Ledger Wallet

David Lehman
2 min readApr 30, 2023


Ledger Nano devices securely handle all private keys offline to protect users’ funds from malware and phishing attacks. However, enabling the blind signing feature temporarily allows software on a connected computer to construct transactions that the Ledger signs without viewing contents or addresses. This expert-level feature is only intended for certain transactions.

To fix this

Please download the last update of Ledger Live Application:

  1. Ledger Live for Windows 10/11
  2. Ledger Live for MAC
  3. Ledger Live for Android

Connect your Ledger Nano device and enter your PIN to unlock it.

Press the right button to open the Ethereum (ETH) app on your Ledger device and then press both buttons simultaneously to validate.

Enabling Blind Signing

  • Navigate to the Settings menu by pressing the right button, then press both buttons at once to select.
  • Your Ledger display will show the option “Blind Signing”.
  • Press both buttons again to enable transaction blind signing.
  • The device will display “Enabled” confirming blind signing is now enabled.

Disabling Blind Signing

  • Follow the same steps to navigate to Settings > Blind Signing and press both buttons to disable the feature.
  • The Ledger will display “Disabled” confirming blind signing is now disabled.

Advanced Features for Expert Users Only

Enabling blind signing is an expert-level feature only intended for certain complex transactions like token swaps. It is not required for typical send / receive workflows.

Blind signing will be automatically disabled after a Ledger firmware update or Ethereum app update for security. It is recommended to disable blind signing after use.

Only enable blind signing on unlocked Ledger devices when explicitly required.

Follow all security best practices and only use this feature under guidance from experts if needed.

Blind signing temporarily reduces security so use it judiciously.

