March Madness: My money mindset for 31 days, Day 6

David Salsone
2 min readMar 8, 2017


Day 6: The magic of Thai curry and my third zero dollar day
Days Remaining: 25
Budget remaining: $926.70

Today’s Expenses: $0

Coffee: $0 thanks to my homies in the office.

ATS: $4.30

A few people around the office are definitely starting to notice I’m eating the same thing everyday.


  • 365 Organic Extra Firm Tofu (14oz): $1.99
  • 1 red pepper: $1.40
  • 1 green pepper: $1.14
  • Trade Joe’s Red Thai Curry: $2.69
  • Quinoa (1 cup): TBD
    Ingredient total: $7.22*

The above can easily serve three portions, but I went HAAM on this delicious dish and ended up splitting it with my girlfriend brining my dinner cost to $3.61. It’s fast and amazing, so I’ll definitely be moving this into the weekly rotation.

The total cost of the groceries I ate today comes to $7.91. I’m still shocked at how much I can save by preparing meals at home, and I’m not even optimizing for grocery savings.


I can feel myself being less lazy when I get home from work. My energy level is exactly the same, but now I’m so aware of the cost of ordering food that I’m motivated to cook. It’s starting to become fun and almost like a game to see how much money my dinners will cost when I review the price of ingredients at the end of the day. I think I’m also feeling this inner scavenger start to develop since I’m looking for hidden purchases from my pre-March Madness days stocked away in cabinets just waiting to be used.

Thanks for reading.

Day 7: Dont buy low end convenience food →

← Day 5: Emergency donuts and the hidden subscription



David Salsone

U.S. Navy veteran, tech enthusiast, Brown University alum living in the tail of the distribution