When Sentiment Really Matters, Here’s What To Do

David K. Williams
4 min readMay 2, 2017


Here’s what you can do to assess and use sentiment measurements well.

Customer and employee sentiment can be difficult to see and even harder to measure.

In my last article about sentiment I talked about the importance of sentiment to entrepreneurs, despite it being so difficult to assess or measure. Thus far, the lesson to entrepreneurs has been to ask deeper and better questions of our customers and employees such as “if we were to meet your wildest expectations, what might that look like?” to assess how they really feel about us and our companies in a way we can use. Automated tools, however, are still a weak link in the measurement process.

A recent piece by Jeremy Taylor, Our Social Times provides useful insights on this industry lack. In a social media monitoring webinar, Matt Rhodes from Fresh Networks had argued that to gain actionable insights from sentiment, you need to go deep. For example, if you manage a restaurant you’d want to know things such as what are people saying about the menu? Did they like their food? Was the service friendly? Were people served promptly?

Then you’d want to go further. What about our breakfast menu? How about our signature dish? How did opinions vary by location or hour of the day? But the deeper you go, the harder it gets.

The location of sentiment input matters as well. For example, anonymous social media sites such as Reddit may spawn a plethora of sarcastic comments that are far worse than anyone’s genuine opinion in life on a platform with a culture that encourages sarcasm and snark.

Sites like Facebook and Twitter are problematic as well. If you are a restaurant and are using Facebook or Twitter to measure sentiment, you can see things such as

  • How many people are talking about you,
  • Where are these people are located, and
  • Demographic information

That’s all helpful. But you’re lacking another layer of depth that vital — the Why? The answer to “What does all this data actually mean?” is missing. It can be very costly and time consuming (as well as inaccurate) to try to derive the deeper levels of sentiment from these platforms. As a business owner, you want data that is actionable — that shows whether someone liked their food or if they liked your menu.

The nuances of the region, the geographic culture, and the nature of a person’s surroundings (ranting informally among friends versus posting a formal review) can also influence our understanding of sentiment. And human opinions vary widely on the interpretation of the words and the views a person expresses. Notes researcher K. Roebuck in Sentiment Analysis: High-impact Strategies — What You Need to Know: Definitions, Adoptions, Impact, Benefits, Maturity, Vendors, even if a program were 100% accurate, 20% of humans will disagree with the program’s results.

Tone of voice and inflection matter as well. For example, “Oh, goody,” said in various tones of voice could be an expression of anything ranging from delight to apathy to utter disdain, or could be something as inconsequential as someone trying to be a little bit funny in front of a friend.

As Our Social Times’ Nathan Gilliatt pointed out, most humans struggle with sarcasm and irony, so how can we expect computers to cope? Or there are the feedbacks that express both positive and negatives, such as “The food was fantastic but the service was terrible.” Do they balance each other out? A program would have a hard time knowing which way to turn.

But hope looms. Even a somewhat faulty automated measure of sentiment is better than none. Automated analysis is fast and effective at spotting high-level trends like extreme swings in customer satisfaction, perhaps. And implemented well, automated measures are less expensive than human support. Undoubtedly tools to aid in sentiment analysis will continue to improve over time, and is useful even when it isn’t 100% correct.

In the meantime, as entrepreneurs we should recognize that however we assess it, sentiment matters more than ever. In customer and employee experiences we should be alert, respond quickly, and take the time to ask the second and the third question of our employees and customers about how they really feel about our company, our products and our services. What is their favorite aspect? If they could change one thing, what would it be? And of course, as always, if we were achieving their wildest dreams (or even striving to be worthy of a 5 star review), what would that outcome look like for you.

Remember that even the process of asking this deeply represents to your customers and team members that you are not just asking to hit a statistical checkmark, but that you really do care. What could be better than that?

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David K. Williams

I am a serial entrepreneur, a contributor to Forbes and HBR, and the author of The 7 Non-Negotiables of Winning from Wiley & Sons.