Perfect Day

David Choe
4 min readApr 14, 2016


Not very often Do we have perfect days , but since I had one yesterday I’ll share it with you

April 13th 2016

For breakfast I Had a delicious #beanBurrito without beans or the tortilla … I basically ate a slice of cheese ( I hashtagged bean burrito so that I could see what other bean burritos are being born ,filtered and photographed in the world… Becuz I am a fatso)

Was gonna buy a bike a #toysRus and then ride it to a check wing place and then reward myself with lemon pepper wings for riding ten miles

Instead I fell asleep on the couch watching #daredevil #rayDonovan #billions #girlfriendsexperience and then ate the same burrito I had for breakfast, for lunch, still on the couch with my eyes crusted shut

I finally woke up at 3:37pm

Listening to my band @mangchihammer super loud off my speakers ,my neighbor walks into my house without knocking to return my #saga #preacher comic books and tells me it’s really weird that every time they stop by I’m listening to my own music or #TaylorSwift #screamo covers really loud , they don’t address how weird it is that they don’t know how to knock or take their shoes off or that every time I let them borrow my comics I find a crusty hard rolled #booger in the crease.rude…( there is a 76% chance the booger is mine)

At this time I thought about getting into a spirited discussion about comics with them because they just read it and it’s fresh in their mind, but instead lied and said I was really busy and they had to go , i really prefer to sleep on my couch facing inwards straddling the back cushions with my leg hanging over and arm firmly imbedded into the crease as if they were giant polar bear #butcheeks, not outwards facing the TV, the problem here is then I can’t tv , I thought about facing the backside of the couch towards the tv and cutting a hole in my couch but instead I put a small mirror balanced on a cushion and watch tv through the reflection… problem solved around this time I had thoughts about calling my masseuse and my chef to cook me a pasta dinner with one super long noodle so that I can suck the noodle from the floor while I’m getting massaged face down on the table , but remembered that I hate people and continued to be by myself ,

Con’t from previous post-I got an idea , so I leaned over and got a pen and paper to design a super expensive car that no one can afford, the steering wheel was gonna be shaped like a taco , I started to draw it , but then got bored and stated to look up “taco steering wheel” on bing to see if anyone had already done it ,but then got distracted by taco shell breaking videos ,pottery videos and tractors saving other tractor videos , I then got hungry and ate two more breakfast burritos for dinner and second dinner in the same style I ate them previous. The most famous person in the world somehow got my # and texts me that they want to eat at my moms house and talk about art (my moms appearance on Anthony bourdains show must be on repeat on #cnn) I think about how much I don’t want to do that ,and how many more things I’d rather do then talk about art, maybe comics I would , but even then. but my ego is still happy that they texted me but offended at the same time , who just invites themselves over to your parents house ? Rude. I started to draw #lyingCat from saga, forgot what he looked like instead Designed outfits and vehicles for a futuristic sci fi werewolf bounty hunter squad that I met when I was on mushrooms, hummed and recorded what their theme song is gonna sound like in my voice memos , saw in my voice memos some podcasts I recorded off my phone of myself interviewing people while I was inside them from a few years ago and deleted them ,I notice a Fuji water bottle under the couch that had leftover water and a few chia seeds (I started eating them because a Milf told me I’d shit better and have more energy to F) after being neglected for weeks and bloomed into a full chia pet, slammed a giant scorpion that came out from behind the bottle killed it with a comic book whack/finger nail crunch fatality combo ,went back to sleep on the couch with deftones playing on Kimmel in the background ,at this time the mirror fell off of the couch

The end.

