2 min readDec 11, 2017


DeHedge has discovered illegal misuse of the photograph and the name of its investment expert, Mark Feldman, in the advertisement of the firm “BTCprofit”.

DeHedge reports that the name and face of its investment director, Mark Feldman, were illegally used in the advertising of the BTCprofit project. The site posted allegedly a quote from Mr. Feldman, characterizing the activities of BTCprofit in a positive light. The quote is accompanied by Mr. Feldman’s photograph, signed as Mark Lewinsky with the position stated as CEO of the project BTCprofit. None of the quotes stated were ever made by the investment director of DeHedge. Mark Feldman had this to say on this latest manifestation of fraud: “Dear Colleagues and Friends! I would like to inform you that my name and my pictures have been used to promote a site —
Without my sanctions or any knowledge of about. I believe that the site is a scam, to get Cripto currency and money out people … Please Stay Out!”.

On its part, DeHedge declares that Mark Feldman does not participate in any other ICO projects at the current moment, and also informs all cryptocurrency holders that according to our expertise with the BTCprofit website, the company bears all the signs of a fraudulent structure. DeHedge recommends holders of cryptocurrencies to be cautious when interacting with it.

DeHedge will continue in upholding its policy of identifying fraudulent structures in the #ICO market and will promptly warn investors of all identified threats.




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