Community Call Recap: Peek at what we said!

15 min readMar 14, 2022


Hi DeHorizon metaverse Humans!

Within the attendance of Shane and other dear community members, our first-ever community call excitedly commenced on Twitter Space.

During one and a half hours’ discussion, several parts mainly include:

-Achievements and problems of DeVerse internal test I

-DeHorizon’s next step

-Some important information for DeVerse internal test II

Here to check out the full recording:


Shane: Thanks everyone for coming. This is our first ever community call with all community members. Today I invited one of our core members from our community, Sadok, with me to be our hosts. We have another host Dev who is on his way, but we can start right now. Sadok, can you introduce yourself and talk about how you know DeHorizon?

Sadok: Hi, I’m Sadok from Isreal, I think I know about DeHorizon in the early summer of last year. I was there on the secondary market after the first selling of the first Numen. I got a friend who had been in NFT gaming for a while, and he told about it. I’m not sure where he found it, but it’s cool. It reminded me of the game I used to play when I was younger, games like LOL. I thought it would have pretty good potential, especially in NFT gaming space. I’ve been super interested since then.

Shane: I see Dev online. Please introduce yourself and how you know DeHorizon, because you are one of the OGs. First Numen we did is less than 100, you are one of them.

Dev: People from DeHorizon maybe know me on Discord. I recently joined some P2E games like Axie. I was amazed by how the concept worked. I like to play games on consoles, PC. This concept is really amazing to me. I’m amazed that something like this can happen. I’m a miner, I’m also mining coins, too. Mining coins by playing games is a similar concept. I was looking for more projects, and I found an AMA that Shane did on Youtube. It was also listed on Binance market and Shane was willing to share the future and what they were planning. So I joined and invited other friends. That’s how it begins.

DeHorizon Anniversary Milestones Recap

Shane: Back the last summer, I believed we tried to be in a very low key, there were not many people who knew us, because we didn’t have top tier VCs back us, so it was really early days. You guys have been seeing us grow so much since 9 months ago. We always care about the community more than anything else. We can see a lot of people following us. I’m amazed. We founded DeHorizon last year March, so it is our first anniversary.

The first topic I wanna cover is the anniversary milestones recap. Just briefly talk about what we have achieved in the past year. Obviously, there were a lot, but there are couples of moments I wanna share. In the very early days, we launched NFTs selling 3 times on Binance and one time on Opensea. I remember when we did Dr.DE NFS selling on Opensea, it was one of the top projects on Opensea. A lot of people outside NFT and gaming space knew about DeHorizon. After the launch of NFTs, we did a very successful DEVT listing on OKEx, and Bybit. After that, we had two funding rounds. One is $8.5M from the top tier VC in gaming and NFT space. The second round, recently announced, was led by Griffin Gaming Partners and Circle Ventures. The biggest milestone was the DeVerse internal test I, which was on 22nd Feb 2022. All team members here in DeHorizon are very surprised that we actually got a lot of traction during it. We tried to keep a low key but it turns out that people are getting crazy, playing, playing and playing. Also, our community has been growing since January. We have over 8 thousand joined since we announced the internal test. We’ve been hearing good things and bad things. The project always has some downsides and upsides. I just want everyone to know that we are not perfect, but we are willing to face the problems. Communities can help us to do better. The core thing for DeHorizon is that we care about the community more than anything.

Sadok: Sorry to interrupt a little bit. I participated in the internal test and I could vouch for the team: any time I needed anything, I just asked any team member, they are always helpful. As people report bugs, the team was actively working on the bugs. I felt the gaming was improving day by day. The team is very approachable.

Shane: I appreciate it! During the internal test, I felt that the majority of the team never slept. I told them that there would be a lot of problems and issues during the test. The most impressive thing is that, DeHorzion team is always online. They are always collecting feedback and improving the game day by day. You can see a lot of things have changed. I’m very proud of it. We always wanna be along with our community members.

Play for fun and to earn

Shane: The majority of GameFi projects always focus on “to earn”, which I think is completely wrong. You have to make sure your game is fun. That’s what I always said during the podcast, pitching the investor or introducing our project. DeHorizon is a project that focuses on play for fun and to earn. We want to provide maximum experience for players.

Dev: Exactly! That’s the point. We have different kinds of P2E games. The problem is that you can play to earn a decent amount of money, but it’s not fun. You are playing with others, you are playing the match, but it’s still not fun. It’s good to be an enjoyable game, but in P2E sectors they are not. DeVerse is still planning for “play for fun and to earn”.

The experience in the DeVerse Internal Test I

Shane: Speaking of fun, do you want to jump into the next topic I really wanna share? The experience in the DeVerse internal test I. I believe the majority of listeners have played DeVerse.

Dev: Of course! We can take one person to speak on this, Fred from Portugal.

Fred: Hey hey hey! Welcome to my metaverse! Shane, finally I’m able to speak with you. I’m here to speak about DeVerse, because I think it has great potential. To be honest, the first time I started to play it, I hated it! The game was so buggy.

Shane: On that part, I have exactly the same feeling as you. When I played DeVerse for the first time, I was thinking “what the freak is it.” The control is funky, I don’t how to attack or anything. I’m stuck on my own game, what the hell was happening? But! But the fun part is, when I continued to play this game, it was very interesting. I figured out how to do it and how to apply the strategy. I changed my mind. When you play 3,4 or 5 times, you will change your mind, I promise. The majority of the community felt the same way, including our top legend players Rosefinch, Scofield. We definitely will improve a lot, but come on, it’s the Alpha internal test I.

Fred: When you start to play, you think the game is simple. There is no skill. You care about killing more. You will be madder if you care more about your KD, but it’s how it works in other games. This one is very specific to teamwork. When you join random matches, it’s so hard if you don’t have friends to play with. It’s hard to get better.

Shane: Yes, it’s more like a group game. It’s a little bit different, but people enjoyed it.

Fred: In the first week, I played alone and I lost tons of DVT! In the second week, I gathered my little brother who was Fortnite addicted. He was pretty good at the game. I gathered my nephew as well. We beat every team in the game. In the last game, the last 10 minutes of the internal test, we beat the top rankers’ team. We had a party, because we knew how to play the game. It’s pretty fun! When you start playing it, you don’t really know how to get better.

Dev: Let’s hear some feedback from Suntorn.

Suntorn: I’m from the USA and I’m 40. I have a lot of game experience. The game is pretty decent. I don’t like many games in metaverse, I think they are crap. From what I have seen, I like the game so far. The issue I had was, when I selected a target, I couldn’t really tell which target I locked. When I hit the fire button, sometimes it attacked but sometimes it didn’t. You should probably get some direction on control.

Shane: This one of the common problems. People can’t select a target easily. It’s confusing for me as well. We had a lot of internal meetings about it. We are a sort of mix of MOBA and MMO. Those two controls are very different. We will change that and make sure that allows people to have different mindsets. Some say you can select a target by mouse and move by mouse. I strongly agree with you. I have the same problem.

DeVerse Internal Test I Achievement

Shane: Now we are moving on to the next topic, about achievements in the internal test I. We got Whitelist signed up 6206 people, which is pretty amazing. Players traffic is 33740, which means whoever signed up has played 1 or 2 games. Total number of matches is 1687. Single player top 1 kills is 5390 for 2 weeks. I don’t know how he made it, but I’m gonna shout out his name, Rosefinch911. I was super excited when I saw the number. I was thinking, geez, this guy probably never sleeps! In terms of how many user feedbacks were collected, we have 62 active users reported 133 suggestions in bugs, which is super important for us. Because the purpose of the internal test is getting feedback, getting bugs fixed. Usually for traditional companies, they do it in a very close group, but we want the community to be involved in the early stage. We ended up with more than 100 suggestions and we are trying to fix all of them. We are gonna have another round of internal test. I’m looking forward to seeing more people play and more suggestions and bugs are reported to us. In terms of how many guilds have participated, we have 12 guilds, including YGG, YGG SEA, GuildFi, ATTN, Unix, PathDAO, Infinity Guild, Ring maker, DUX. A big shout out to Unix! I’ve been playing a lot of games with Unix. It was very fun. And also shout out to GuildFi. Thank you guys for supporting! It’s very important to get guilds to play with us. I think in the future, we might do a guild between guild tournaments. That will be super fun! We have many KOLs participating as well. More than 30 KOLs talk about us on Youtube and Twitter, getting a lot of attraction all over the place.

How to be the Top 1 player?

Shane: I shouted out to Rosefinch. I’m curious about how you got over 5000 kills in two weeks. You must be non-stop playing to be at the top. Hi Rosefinch, how do you feel about the DeVerse internal test? And how did you know about us?

Rosefinch: Hey, Shane. I am a hardcore player with 18 years of experience in traditional games, I have played most of the 3a games; I am also a freelancer of blockchain gamefi and NFT , and I’m very glad to discover some good gamefi projects and grow with them. I came into contact with dehorizon in early November last year, and it is a very good game in terms of game quality, gameplay, game economic system, etc.

In the GameFi 1.0 stage at that time, most of the games were DeFi projects with inferior skin, so I was very excited when I saw DeHorizon. So I joined the nft blind box sale event in November and became the holder of Dr.De. Since then, I have been paying attention to the progress of the project. I joined the internal test of Deverse in February, and got first place in all the rankings in the first stage.

Shane: Can you tell us more about how you got first place? 5000 kills is not a joke. How did you do that?

Rosefinch: Maybe I never sleep. I just play with my friends all the time. Maybe we have a lot of experience in traditional games, so I can kill more than others. I think the game is good enough so I don’t need to sleep, I just want to play all the time. That’s all.

Shane: I really appreciate it. I believe Rose also gave us a lot feedbacks from top player perspective.

3 major paths for the next step

Shane: In terms of the next step, there are 3 major paths. As I said at the beginning, we care about the community most. The first one is we wanna involve new Numens for the better team up in battles. Based on the discussions on existing roles and skills, we need to add a new role, probably an assassin. We heard suggestions from our community members. Every battle is 8 minutes, which is not long. A supportive role may cause slow pace gameplay, so we think about roles that can fight with others. We gonna have 3 extra characters for the community to do a DAO vote to see what they want. What do traditional game companies do? They always decide what players to play, but we want to do it in a reverse way. We want the community to decide what DeHorizon will come up with, what DeHorizon can develop next. I think this is the core part for Web3.0 and for metaverse. We want to make sure the community decides what to see next, instead of the developer deciding what players to play next. And also a chance to explore a new map. We will give a couple of options to the community. If you want new gameplay, we will do it. We want the community to be involved more, to help us to grow DeHorizon. Another idea I came up with is, if the community turns out to submit a map or contribute on a map level, we can even give out the revenue share on this specific map to share with the community. This is another way we can motivate the developer to contribute more maps and gameplay. Another part we wanna do is, bringing the social function to the game. A lot of people wanna talk with each other, because it’s a Group vs Group game. We will implement the general text chat, which you will probably see in the next internal test. People can text and send quick chat messages, such as “gathering together”, “let’s go for it”. We are also developing voice chat, so people can talk during the play. To be honest, I’m a pro game player for many games like LOL, WOW, Diablo, Halo, COD. The most fun part is the voice chat with your friends, talking shit to your friends. This is the most fun part that I really enjoy. That’s why we need to imply voice chat. Those 3 parts I just covered are, invovling new Numens, chance to explore in a new map, and bringing social function. We will formalize all these. At the end of this week, we will let the community vote. We want to know which new section they want to see first, new Numen, new map or social function. This is the game DAO: we listen and we make it happen.

The proposal is live on Snapshot! Check it out:

Q&A from the community

Q: Will there be new maps in DeVerse?

Shane: In terms of the new map, I can tell you that there are many many maps that we want to show you, we will definitely formalize them and let the community choose what they want. The second and third maps will have different gameplay. Only one gameplay is boring. Every map will have different gameplay. For example, the second map will probably be a battle royale. Kill everyone and you win the big prize pool. And also, one of the maps will have a random thing that pops up and kills you immediately, not from your teammate or enemy. If you pass by, it will show new stuff that might surprise you. It’s more like a Mario party style. Please stay tuned, it will be so interesting. I was so excited when I saw these ideas from my team. It’s not only about GvG, people can play for so long.

Q: Can you create a group with a leader? You can join the matching system with all your friends, before entering the matching room.

Shane: Very good suggestion. I just want to add a little bit about the matching after your opinion. Some people said they wait too long for the matching. I’m not gonna tell you what we improved, it’s gonna be a new feature. Stay tuned! We have a game inside game while you are waiting. I’m looking forward to having more feedback after you play the game inside the game. I’m not gonna give too many details, the marketing PR team will kill me.

Q: Can you add some PVE to increase daily activity?

Shane: My answer to you is, we are scheduling a town hall that provides the feature of the whole DeHorizon metaverse, by hitting surprise and instance. Players can participate in the creation of a storyline and build metaverse together besides enjoying social play value. Players can collect rare and limited NTF in this environment. They might be the key to the incoming game or the special gameplay. The answer to you is actually the one I just mentioned about the game inside the game. We will have mini-games while you are waiting for the matchmaking. You’ll find a lot of surprising things and small games in the waiting room. Definitely PVE for sure! We will have a dedicated map for PVE as well. It will let individual players play, let a group of people play with a big boss.

Q: Some people were confused about the calculation of DVT.

Shane: In terms of the calculation of DVT, a lot of people say that they are confused about how many DVT they can earn from the game. We have a well-calculated system for it in the DeVerse internal test I, and we will update the system to make sure people are not getting confused. Sometimes, it is not fair for some people. In phase II, we’ll change that for sure.

Q: Will there be a similar contest and rewards for the DeVerse internal test II?

Shane: For sure. This is the beautiful part of the internal test: you can still earn, even though the game is not live. Our top guys are earning real DVT. Rosefinch can get more than 500k DTV. The reward, the earning and the contest are real stuff. For the internal test II, go wild, go play and go hunting Rose or whatever! Don’t let him be the top 1 again. I’m sure that many players are better than that. Don’t lose the chance to get DVT in the next test!

Q: The time frame for the DeVerse internal test II and the server accessible time.

Shane: We are still discussing the accessible time. The DeVerse internal test II will be very very soon, 2 to 3 weeks max. It will be different from test I. There will be a lot of change and new features.

Q: Will there be different skins as well?

Shane: Yes, different skins. You can also have a logo on your back to show the guild you belong to. We are working with some companies that have traditional IP. Maybe we can use their characters in the game. This is gonna be exciting.


In the end, Shane announced 25 nominated members of the community champion rewards. Each of them will be rewarded with a DEVT voucher. Edward, the community director of DeHorizon, showed up and greated community members with his iconic catchphrase: “Stay tuned!”

Don’t forget to vote in our community to decide DeHorizon’s future together! We are always along with you. DeVerse internal test II is coming very soon. See you guys there!

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