How-to-Play Guides in DeVerse #Internal Test

7 min readDec 23, 2021


🎉 Hi, DeHorizon Metaverse Human

How time flies, DeVerse grew up! These days we are fully occupied with the preparation for the Internal Test. As the big day comes closer, many community members are waiting for the specific gameplay guides. Today, we are super excited to share it with you since we have done a handful of How-to-Play guides to help you make a good understanding of DeVerse.

This chapter will feature “Numen”, “Artifacts”, “Consumables”, “In-game Lootboxes”, “Internal Testing Ticket”.

Let’s start!

About Numen

There are 5 Numen in the Alpha version including Ranger, Alchemist, Warrior, Adventurer, Rogue. As the world of DeVerse progresses, DeVoice as DeHorizon DAO members can make suggestions and vote on the development path of each Numen. DeVoice can even have the chance to design the Numen with us, adjust their stats, attributes, etc. (👉 How to join DeHorizon DAO? )

How to get a Numen?

High-quality Numen

Quality is born with a Numen’s birth.

  • Purchase on the NFT marketplace (eg. Binance NFT Marketplace; DeHorizon Marketplace (coming soon))
  • A small amount of high-quality Numen may come from in-game Lootboxes. (You will receive Lootboxes’ shards as DeVerse battle rewards and they could be merged into Harvest Treasure Boxes.)

Free Numen

When you dive into DeVerse, a Numen(N) you choose will be sent to your wallet as a welcome freebie!

When a Numen of any Quality reaches the required level(Lv.10/20/30/40), it will trigger an additional reward — a new N Quality Numen.

For example, if your SR Quality Ranger reaches Lv.20, you can choose a new N Quality Numen as a reward; but if you level up an N quality Rogue to Lv.20, you will also have the right to choose a new N quality Numen as a reward.

(And, an ultimate giveaway, a Numen(R Quality), will be triggered when any of your Numen reaches Lv.60.)

Tips: All the above Numen(N Quality) are not tradable on the marketplace. It is the gift we give to help you take more trails and have better gameplay skills.

Genesis Numen from our first NFT sale event

Quantity: 5 Numen and 30 each. 150 in total.

Quality: SSR

Sale platform: Binance NFT Marketplace

Offering Date: 2021/8/22

Numen from Binance IGO

Quantity: 5 Numen and 400 each. 2000 in total.

Quality: SR

Sale platform: Binance NFT Marketplace

Offering Date: 2021/12/23

Level & Quality

What do Level & Quality influence?

They influence the outcome of box shards.

The higher quality and level that a Numen has, the more box shards a player gets from each battle.

Quality: N-SSR
Level: 0–60

Here are the examples of how to calculate your rewarded box shard for the Level & Quality of a Numen?


Each Numen has 1 Basic Attack and 3 skills. (When the skill is released, there will be a Cooldown (CD), without the consumption of MP and in-game currency DVT.)

Skill Types:

A. Direct Damage — aim at one target causing higher damage than Basic Attack

B. Area Damage — cause lower damage on multiple targets (every Numen has it in Alpha version)

C. Buff/Debuff — including but not limited to slow/stun/shield/etc

(More details coming soon)

❓ Which Numen is stronger?

Numen’s unique skill set and natural stats make its unique positioning.

We could not tell who is the most powerful one because each Numen has its own specialists.

To find your right team composition and the right complementary skill tactics; And use skills in the right place at the right timing;

*Use Skills Tactically and practice more. Some skills could cause higher damage but their cooldown are longer.


Items could be wearable, consumable, lootable, tradable in DeVerse. Some special-offered and limited ones are precious because they could be used to maximize your rewards.


There are 5 types of Artifacts to be put in corresponding slots for each Numen.

Each Numen has a set of corresponding Artifacts.

One is customized Special Artifact — it shows a customized identity symbol on a Numen and increases its all battle stats.

You can see them on Numen’s profile and your backpack.

Artifacts’ Level & Quality

Similar to Numen’s Level & Quality

What do they influence?

Artifacts could increase your Numen’s battle stats (e.g. ATK, DEF, CTR, etc) and battle rewards (box shards). Quality has a bigger influence than the Level of Artifacts on the increment.

Wearing a full set of specific-level Artifacts could bring you additional bonus rewards.

The rewards depend on: battle results, what Artifacts are equipped, what Quality of your Artifacts are, whether your Artifacts are a set, whether your Artifact Set reaches a specific level.

Quality: N-SSR

Artifact Set Level: +5 to +50

We will provide an online calculator on our DeVerse website in the future.

Enhance Your Artifacts

Spend some DVT and use Artifact Enhancing materials from in-game box looting to level up your Artifacts.


They could be potions, food, buff, or other helpful items for the victory.

In-game Lootboxes

Similar to Mystery Boxe on NFT marketplace, in-game Lootboxes themselves and some items inside are tradable.

The difference is that mystery boxes are not free. You can play our game, collect Box Shards and merge them into a completed box, and loot.

(New Lootboxes coming soon)

Special Offer for Internal Test

Internal Testing Ticket

Internal Testing Ticket is the special invitation for our early supporters to access our Initial Alpha Test of DeVerse. There are only 80 tickets (from the DeHorizon Christmas Carnival IGO on Binance).

At the same time, it will help you accumulate the Test-DVT and Lootboxes’ shards you have obtained in all winning battles during the Internal Alpha Test.

*When you consume shards to merge into new Lootboxes, or when you spend Test-DVT to participate in battle, the test ticket’s record will not be reduced.

Your shards and Test-DVT will be recorded on the Ticket and distributed to the holder of the Ticket on the game's official release. (The final Ticket holder will get the whole accumulation from the Internal Test.)

Rewards in Internal Test

The following rewards are awarded to the participants of the initial alpha while participating in the Internal Alpha Test.

  • 5,000 Test-DVT will be rewarded after you participate in at least one battle for Internal Alpha Test.
  • The whole accumulation of Test-DVT will be 1:1 converted to DVT for each holder who has participated in any battles.
  • Lootbox shards from the Internal Alpha testing (Withdrawable).

Additional Rewards in The Official Game Release

These rewards will be given to the participants of the Internal Test after the official game is released.

  • A set of Consumables (Sweetie Pie*1, Spirit Burning Necklace*1, Fiery Feast*1)
  • A Mystery Box with a random Numen(SR)
  • 400,000 DVT will be rewarded with other Ticket holders when the official version is released (linearly unlocked in the first month)

*Win more battles to get a higher ranking to get more DVT airdrop

DeVerse Internal Alpha Test is open to the following 3 types of individuals:

In the next part, we will release more about the DeVerse gameplay and its related systems like Rooms, Ranking, and much more. Stay tuned!!

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DeHorizon — -Cutting a new decentralized horizon