A Thousand Words

Martha Hull
3 min readNov 17, 2016

Vermont. Here I am. I’ve been here about six weeks, too. I was going to be super chatty online about the road trip, but I was always running about 5 hours late- and when you are staying with people every other day, that’s kind of a big deal. And I was going to be super chatty about my adventures once I landed here, but I’ve been too busy Doing Things, and Processing All The Epic. Almost everything in my life has changed recently. Except the hair. It’s still pink. And even that needed some maintenance.

I moved 3,000 miles once before, 8 years ago when I moved to Portland during the Great Recession, full of hope and dreams and terror. And it took somewhere between three months to seven years to really settle in, depending on how you look at it.

So. I should have known not to have Serious Expectations of myself in terms of how long it was going to take make life happen here. Especially with my birthday and a presidential election thrown into the mix. But still. I have a business to run. Unrealistic expectations of myself are my specialty.

So hooray! I finally feel like my head’s above water far enough to start talking about life, the Universe, and everything again. And in the interest of moving on, here are a few pictures summing up fragments of the past seven weeks.

Just before liftoff; Carnage en route. So many dead bugs. So many.
3,801 miles. Maybe I should change my oil.
Too much too see and 5 hours late seeing it… Devil’s Tower and the Corn Palace.
Pittsburgh, a secret gem. Randyland and The Mattress Factory.
Oh the pretty. Going Vermonting.
Burlington, Vermont and me on a nature walk.
Setting up the new studio. These are my favorite dolls that made the culling and the trip.
Home sweet home. Lake Champlain and the Adirondack Mountains. Facing west, toward Portland.

Okay, kids. I still have a bit more unpacking to do. No rest for the wicked. Same bat time, same bat channel.



Martha Hull

Cute + deadly art + stories. Artist. Author. Necromancer. Imaginary Friend. www.marthahull.com