1 min readDec 17, 2016


IMO new server side designed pages won’t disappear for a while and a Ajax driven website that doesn’t get hit with major traffic is totally fine. Okay, the server “gets hit” and we use up more bandwidth.

A single designer or small team with 4/5 or less can’t get a fast turnover with all the new steps needed. i for myself love the single page applications but I just can’t deliver this option to a client just yet, because i’m usually just working by myself. there’s too much client-specific code per website.

as i browse the web and look for innovations, i see only the big budget boy’s spending money on SPA’s and Client side. so there goes the theory. A win at this point is decided on the amount in which it is used. Maybe in a few years we will have easier methods to ng-theshitoutofit. Indeed, it is the future, but if practicality favors the “easy” server->html/css/js work method, does it actually win? i’m not sure.

