You need to do this to effectively launch a product

Dean Woods
3 min readOct 7, 2019
Photo by Perry Grone on Unsplash

As a startup, your product launch date is exciting. After all of your work, the hope is you launch to great fanfare. You finally unveil your product, the market loves it, and you rapidly grow. The New York Times notices your launch and writes a big story about you.

You know, just like Airbnb.

Or, not like Airbnb. They famously launched themselves a dozen times because nobody noticed the first couple of times they launched.

Either way, a product launch is a big day. You doubtlessly had months of effort and work to get ready. You want people to see your work, and use it! In the best case, your launch goes like the example I wrote about earlier. In the worst case, people hate it and criticize you.

But, in almost every case, nobody notices you launched. Just like Airbnb’s first 11 launches!

A launch that nobody notices is disappointing and slows down progress

I’ve been involved with a lot of product launches at this point. The exciting launch days are some of the best days of your life. The boring launch days, where nobody notices, are exceptionably disappointing.

The team begins to question if all of their work had been worth it. People start wondering if the…



Dean Woods

Startup executive, recovering consultant, Wharton Grad. I write about real startups (my venture backed day job) and micro-startups (my bootstrapped nights)