New York’s Medical Aid in Dying Act Introduced In Assembly

Death with Dignity
2 min readJan 18, 2023


Following a press conference held Tuesday, January 17 in Albany, the medical aid-in-dying movement received a lot of press from outlets across the state.

In an Albany Times-Union piece, the story of Cassandra Johnson was shared. Cassandra, from Clifton Park, NY was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer the day after Thanksgiving. Despite her prognosis, she is committed to fighting for Death with Dignity as long as she can.

“Johnston, who will soon head into her first round of chemotherapy, does not know if her cancer will spread, or if she may soon receive a call telling her she only has a certain amount of time to live. If that happens, ‘All I can really envision is a death that does not involve unnecessary pain, or suffering, or trauma,’ Johnston said. ‘The more I read the stories of people who have suffered, the more I think, “I never want that.” But I don’t have that option right now.’”

Read more coverage of the event at the links below and follow our full page for more updates:



Death with Dignity

Since 1994, Death with Dignity has advocated for the fundamental freedom of choice in end-of-life options for all.