Channeled Message | Angels | Life Lessons

Five Common Reasons Your Angel Messages Are Blocked

Your angels are waiting to speak with you


Five common reasons your angel messages are blocked | Voice of the Akashic Records
Image by Elf-Moondance on Pixabay


Have you struggled to hear the voices of your angels, to no avail?

Why is it other people seem to hear with ease while you feel blocked?

Enter Archangel Metatron with some helpful insights that may be the answers for which you’ve been searching.

Metatron Begins:

This process is about more than saying you’re ready. It’s about being ready.

Prepare your mind/body/spirit for the message by first going through your breathing exercise. Slow down and focus. Then create space for the message you desire to come through.

We always have volumes to share with you. When you’re ready to receive, make the space and we’ll fill it up.

Perhaps that little voice at the back of your head mutters something about being afraid of what we might say?

Do you fear we might make requests that feel too big or that you won’t enjoy?

Let’s get that out of the way right now…


