To be alone in a lonely world

Deborah Ajilore
2 min readJan 24, 2024


To be alone in a lonely world by Deborah Ajilore

I finally shared this picture today, after editing it almost a year ago. The title is, "To be alone in a lonely world." I got the title today (lack of a title was part of the reasons I didn't share it soon). Another reason is that loneliness is a touchy subject. For instance, to an aspiring cold, bad beesh like me, admitting loneliness means you're exposing your vulnerability for people to exploit.

But one thing I’ve discovered about loneliness is that while you’re curled up in your self-pity, bemoaning your "rare and unlucky" situation, there are many others like you in that same situation. So you’re not alone as you think you are. To me, loneliness is like a worm hole that can consume you from within if you don’t let light (people) in.

(Un)fortunately, vulnerability is inevitable. You just have to choose the few people you let in. And that can be really hard. Life has a bringing to you people that makes you prefer solitude to their company.

If you choose to be alone, that's cool. But I don't think it's humanly possible to do so through your lifetime. Vulnerability and hurt goes hand in hand. But in all the vulnerability and hurt, I hope you get to experience happiness that will make up for the bad times.

