AMA Summary of 20/08/2018 with the CEO of DeepCloud AI

We have finished our first AMA with the CEO of DeepCloud AI. Thank you for your participation and support. The following is the summary of the AMA.

Q1: Can you tell me any venture capital has invested in DeepCloud AI ?

Max Rye: As our hard cap is fairly low we are in negotiations with several VC’s regarding which ones will participate. We should have more news later in the week regarding which major VC’s we’ll be bringing onboard.

Q2: I’ve noticed your team has gone into google to present the featured technology. How was their response and any interest for the future?

Max Rye: Our reception amongst engineers at google and in Silicon valley in general has been great. We have several patents pending around AI and IoT that will be great for our future.

Q3: Any planned marketing activities? the interaction in this group is rather low and people are leaving.

Max Rye: Your right about the need for more marketing. my approach with marketing has been first focus all of our energy and resources into the MVP and the product itself. Now that we have something to show off you can expect our marketing to ramp up. Marketing will now be a priority.

Q4: Any ongoing partnership or any other company interested in your product?

Max Rye: Absolutely, we have interest from some well known enterprises. we will be rolling that out prior to the crowdsale. I’d like to this all to coincide with the marketing. We also have some pretty big news this week regarding the DeepCloud Blockchain.

Q5: That means you will have your own blockchain? It will not be solely Depend upon Nebulas?

Max Rye: That’s correct. We will have our own blockchain and it will be geared for the next generation of Cloud computing. Our Blockchain is focused on the needs of enterprises and Ai processing at the edge. We’ll be releasing a Medium article this week detailing our blockchain.

Q6: Any new team members joined?

Max Rye: We are working on bringing onboard one of the best Business development professionals in Silicon valley. That won’t be announced though for another few weeks.

Q7: As it is a USA based, so how are tackling USA regulator? Because many US based project failed to deliver what was promised if its product or Exchange. So how are you gonna address this issue?

Max Rye: Our Dev team is in USA, our corporate structure is based in Singapore and token issuance through Cayman islands. We have great Advisors and legal team helping us with that.

Q8: I heard you rejected many VC as they were greedy. And its a great positieve sign.

These days many icos fail to recognise the power of community.

Max Rye: Exactly, we bootstrapped this project so we didn’t have to give away major bonuses at the private round. i really do care about our community and i’ve made sure that bonus’s are structured fairly for all the VC’s that are involved.

Q9: Many other project like “ANKR” going for the same field. How are you differentiate from them?

Max Rye: We are more than just a cloud computing project, our Ai engines work to solve pain points for the next generation of IoT and Dapps requiring immense compute at the edge. several projects including ours are using Intel SGX. We have a seasoned team that knows how to execute and implement in the market. We have not only proven to stay on our roadmap but have exceeded our own expectations. this week we will be releasing the new updated roadmap.

Q10: 15 million is the hard cap for private sale … what is the cap for public sale ?

Max Rye: 15 million is the total we are raising. 3 million will be for the crowdsale on Sept 10th.

Q11: For that distributed cloud computing you need more users to share their computing power. So u need more users onboard. How are you gonna incentivize them and planning to onboarding them?

Max Rye: We will be announcing that DeepCloud AI will be releasing our first blockchain based enterprise service DeepTransfer next month. This is really exciting news and very few projects are at this stage. more details of that will be coming out this week as well.

Q12: For crowdsale investor how are you gonna protect them if all base token are unlock for VCs. They can dump on them.

Max Rye: No tokens will be unlocked for VCs prior to exchange. And any bonuses will be locked for 3 months from the time of exchange.

Q13: Several projects are called out due to over-raising, please solve this and don’t get called out.

Max Rye: We are looking to raise 15m. we will not except more than hardcap.


We will be holding more AMA’s in the future. Thank you for the particpation and support!

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