Announcing our New Logo and Website

With the rise of Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT) and AI at the Edge, we envision a great future ahead. Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) for resource management allows DeepCloud AI to offer a revolutionary cloud infrastructure. To give our revolutionary infrastructure a more futuristic identity, the DeepCloud AI team has decided to change the company’s brand identity.

We have a lot of important things to say. When we all say them in the same way, our story has more impact, and our audience can better connect with our brand.

The Logo

The DeepCloud AI logo is the foremost representation of our brand; it is a visual summation of who we are. To maintain the strength and integrity of the logo, we will use it consistently and appropriately according to certain guidelines. We will use the DeepCloud AI logo as our company signature rather than a design element.

The new and improved DeepCloud AI logo

However, the logo is not just a logo that reflects a futuristic image of our brand. It’s much more than that …

  • The color palette is divided into primary and secondary palettes. We applied the colors from the clear, pure tones of the primary blue palette and linked them with a neutral blue color and secondary grey color that will represent the color of the sky.
  • Each triangle represents a node in the DeepCloud AI Ecosystem.
  • Obviously, the shape of all the triangles (nodes) together is a cloud. This represents the Cloud Computing component of our brand.
  • We have deliberately chosen to use triangles as nodes for the logo. Each point of the triangle represents the Node Owner, Service to the Community and the Fair Incentives.

The Website

One of the most important things for a brand is good web design. Design matters, because it will reflect how we and our brand do business, and ultimately how our clients and potential customers see and feel about DeepCloud AI.

Good website emphasizes the usefulness of a product while disregarding anything that could detract from it.

We have devoted a lot of attention to realizing a good and professional website and the reason for this is that well-designed things are based on web design principles that result in useful, beautiful products that ultimately give our visitors a deep level of satisfaction and enjoyment when they visited our website. We also added a number of animation elements to improve the user experience.

Now that we’ve gone through some of the most essential elements of our new logo and website, we would like to invite you to visit and experience a whole new level of our brand.

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