DeepCloud AI’s Huron Testnet Updates & Intel Software Innovators blog features CTO Geeta Chauhan

The development team at DeepCloud AI has been hard at work preparing for the public beta of the Huron Network. Last month the DeepCloud AI team unveiled the Huron Network at the IoT Expo in Santa Clara, California — one of the largest events in the world not only for the fast growing IoT market, but the blockchain industry as well.

After receiving valuable feedback and huge interest some key players, we knew that the stakes were high and are working harder than ever. Today, we are happy to announce that a variety of new features have been rolled out to the testnet.

1. New Pricing Model: The pricing models have been adjusted for providers and developers to create a more balanced ecosystem. The new pricing model is now based on actual resource capabilities of the machines. In addition, the default deposit for providers has changed to 100 HNT and 10 HNT for developers. Of course these numbers are not final, and will be recalibrated as the network matures.

2. Custom Domain Mapping: In this video created by one of our many valuable partners, Lunar Digital Assets, it shows how easy it is to launch a website on the decentralized network through Docker. One caveat, however, was that at the time of the recording, domain mapping by the user was not available, which is a major problem if your website is meant to be public.

Users may use their own custom domains, simply by mapping a CNAME provided in the dashboard through their DNS provider. A new video will be coming out in the next few days on how to launch PHP web applications as well as deploying a WordPress blog on the Huron Network, so stay tuned for that!

3. Auto-Generated SSL Certificates: SSL Certificates are now automatically generated for public apps, as security is one of the key focuses of our platform.

4. Application Logs: App developers can now look at logs that can be valuable in debugging, troubleshooting, and gaining insights.

5. Optimized Smart Contracts based on Nebulas features — Our testnet is currently on Nebulas, and have been working spectacularly thus far. We’ve made further improvements to optimize our network, especially in payments and smart contracts.

6. Support for Private Docker Repositories: We understand the need for enterprises and companies for private Docker repo’s, as they may hold sensitive data or proprietary software. With this need in mind, we have made it a priority to allow for private Docker repositories.

There are currently about 20 nodes (resource providers) in the private beta, but please keep in mind that registration is open for those who are interested in becoming either a provider or a developer.

Next Milestones

We are currently working on tasks that we think is critical to the network, as well as the continuance of the development of our own dApps (decentralized applications).

These tasks include: Enhanced Security, Overlay Networking, and GPU Support. We believe that our rewards system for resource providers may very well one day shake up the GPU mining industry as more and more miners switch from mining algorithmic puzzles to providing valuable computing and rendering resources to an ever growing industry of AI machine learning.

DeepTransfer, our first MVP (which has been used over 18K times already), will soon have a premium plan for enterprises and companies that need more features. DeepTransfer Premium will allow sending of files up to 30 GB, have an audit trail for enhanced accountability by an immutable ledger, and have state-of-the-art encryption and security.

DeepSign is a decentralized platform we are currently building for a blockchain-based electronic signatures. Similar to DocuSign in many ways, but completely different in that its decentralized, immutable, transparent, and trustless. More details will follow.

In case you missed it…

The past few weeks we have been honored with three significant recognitions.

DeepCloud AI recently received the DUNS Registered Seal, awarded by Dun & Bradstreet for DeepCloud AI’s credibility, authenticity and good financial standing, joining the ranks of companies like Apple, Oracle, and Microsoft that also hold this seal.

DeepTransfer has earned the notable 2018 Rising Star Award from, attaining a user satisfaction score of 100% and a total score of 8/10 ! “Experts have seen DeepTransfer perform impeccably and consider it as one of the top file sharing websites today.”

Last but not least, our very own CTO, Geeta Chauhan was featured in “Intel™ Software Innovator” blog. Read more about Geeta and why she is being recognized as an Innovator by Intel!

