`Dadi ICO Scam Alert!

Dadi ICO Scam!?

2 min readJan 7, 2018

There is widespread rumours that Dadi ICO is a scam. Let’s quickly try to assess if Dadi is a really a scam or not.

1. It appears as though some of DADI’s whitepaper has been directly copied from SONM’s whitepaper

‘Hi everyone, I’m Sergey Ponomarev, founder of Sonm network and I want to notice a few things:
DADI used our whitepaper text and in some points it’s not even has been rewrited, it’s just copypaste and plagiate, and if it will continues — It could be a case for court.’

DADI responded by it only copied one page about 300 words of SONM paper. 300 words of copying is a lot! This is not acceptable at all.

2. DADI had claimed a partnership with XRB. XRB have come out publicly and said this is NOT the case

3. DADI had claimed that its code is in production for hundreds of live products, including their own site, the issue is, it’s actually run off AWS

Final Verdict

Dadi indeed is looks like a SCAM! You don’t want to invest another Confido! It seems like these are not just FUDS but facts instead. So why invest in a ICO with so many red flags? Skip this one and choose other more potential ICOs without red flags, such as Zilliqa, BlueZelle, Ont and so on.

There are still some investors think Dadi can go 10x. Yes, indeed Dadi may indeed still do 10x, but with the current red flags widespread in the media, it could also go -10x! So, why invest on Dadi ICO which is so high risk? Find other ICO to invest!

