2 min readMar 2, 2019

French Government Lists 4 Untraceable Privacy Cryptocurrencies

French MP and Finance Committee Chair, Eric Woerth, noted four privacy cryptocurrencies which are considered untraceable that they would have liked to have prohibited, detailed in a report to the National Assembly on the 30th of January 2019.

The full pdf report is linked below with the relevant section on page 9 of the document.

Il aurait également été opportun de proposer l’interdiction de la diffusion et du commerce de crypto-actifs visant à garantir un anonymat complet en empêchant, par leur conception, toute procédure d’identification. C’est le cas d’un certain nombre de crypto-actifs (Monero, PIVX, DeepOnion, Zcash…) dont le but est de contourner toute possibilité d’identification des détenteurs.

Using Google translate

It would also have been appropriate to propose the prohibition of the dissemination and trade of crypto-assets that guarantee complete anonymity by preventing, by their design, any identification procedure . This is the case of a number of crypto-assets (Monero, PIVX, DeepOnion, Zcash…) whose goal is to circumvent any possibility of identification of the holders.

This report is also available from the website link below

Links to the referenced privacy cryptocurrency websites below


Altcoin Tickers: XMR PIVX ONION ZEC

Written by: Cryptomaster