Bullet Chart vs Gauge Chart in Google Data Studio

Deepak Kumar
4 min readSep 8, 2021

Google just released the native Gauge Chart in Google Data Studio and comparing against the native Bullet Chart

What is a Guage Chart?

Gauge charts display a single metric performance and progress towards a certain goal or against a benchmark. With target and compared to the previous period configuration to measure metric performance and compare to the previous range and progress towards a certain goal or against a benchmark

Bullet Chart in Google Data Studio
Gauge Chart With Target and Compared to the Previous Period
  • Bullet chart alternative in Google Data Studio. The gauge chart doesn’t need to be this big and only used to explain in detail.
  • A center blue bar is showing the actual value of the metric, in this example, 2021 YTD revenue.
  • In this example, target revenue is set as 2 million, and the blue line representing how far the target has reached so far — the left black line showing the revenue of the last year during the same period.

Chart Configurations:

  1. [Metrics] — a center blue bar, color can be configured in the DESIGN tab and Scorecard in the middle
  2. [Title/Header] — Add a chart header so audiences can see the metrics used in the chart



Deepak Kumar

Hi, I’m Deepak, an experienced Google Data Studio Consultant with over eight years of experience in Data mining and visualization.