Deepr Finance To Join The Hunt For “Treasures of Shimmer”

Deepr Finance
2 min readApr 20, 2023


Greetings, Adventurers of the Deepr Blue Sea of DeFi!

It is with great excitement that we, Deepr Finance, announce our “Treasures of Shimmer” campaign participation, the great race for activity on the ShimmerEVM testnet. Our lending platform, already deployed on the ShimmerEVM testnet, is eager to demonstrate its prowess and prove its worthiness in this epic quest for 1.3 million SMR tokens.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the event, 1.3 million SMR tokens are up for grabs, to be distributed according to the smart contract activity generated by the participating platforms. And we, Deepr Finance, are determined to claim our share of these tokens and to explore the depths of the DeFi ocean to bring back the riches that await within its depths. To that end, we invite all DeFi enthusiasts to lend, borrow, and earn using Deepr Finance, and to give us the boost in this epic quest for activity.

And because we understand the importance of community support in such events, we are thrilled to announce that all SMR tokens won by Deepr Finance will be shared 100% with our users. To further sweeten the pot, Deepr Finance will also allocate 250,000 DEEPR tokens, Subie NFTs, and a chance to win a physical IOTA/Shimmer merchandise pack, ensuring that everyone wins.

SMR tokens, Physic Merchandise, Subies NFTs, DEEPR tokens

As we navigate these uncharted waters of DeFi in the IOTA and Shimmer ecosystem, we must test our vessel’s strength and endurance. And what better way to do so than by participating in the “Treasures of Shimmer” campaign?

This competition provides us with the perfect opportunity to battle-test for the upcoming ShimmerEVM and to showcase our platform’s capabilities. It’s also a fantastic opportunity to broaden our users DeFi knowledge in a safe environment and get a taste for what they can expect when Shimmer EVM launches.

We are excited that we will embark along with our partners from the ShimmerSea DEX on this journey, which will provide the possibility to provide liquidity for $DEEPR testnet tokens and to create leverage positions on ShimmerSea DEX.

So, set sail with Deepr Finance, adventurers, and let us embark on this exciting journey to discover the “Treasures of Shimmer”.

Yours truly,

The Crew of Deepr Finance

*All DEEPR tokens and NFTs set out as rewards will only be distributed after the ShimmerEVM launch, as the token generation will take place on Layer 2.



Deepr Finance

Deep liquidity on the most secure and efficient lending and borrowing platform on Shimmer EVM. Get started: