Joseph Dehonest
2 min readDec 6, 2023

Press Release

For Immediate Release

Today we wanted to communicate across all six channels in sync as one communicative deliverable for success.

The amount of money available through various federal trade partners are overwhelming in the account of the many dollars or zeros added for each project. This administration,Biden Harris administration has proven to fund and help in aid funding under served communities. With hundred of trillion dollars collectively over the term of this administration. The exact numbers may be under estimated yet we can confirm at least $100,000,000,000,000.00 in the trillions have been published in USAID and here at home in America.

Currently we have discovered the approval board may need reckoning and passed over to Artificial intelligence to approve grants in the future. Removing human elements we hope.

Communities must adopt artificial intelligence in programs to aid more community members and not discriminate against family size or with children. It's no secret women and children flooded our borders crossing our boundaries. Leaving out single Americans whom have raised their children and may not have any kids. We must help and aid every life with the funding received.

Never had history recorded enough funding to give each homeless person or every resident in the largest state of California by population of 40,000,000. Enough to essentially give $250,000.00 to every person living in California. This is a reference point on how reparations could be done with money given to foreign countries.

Water here in California isn't as plentiful as it should. The purpose we all have together in all communities is to become better. Better for our own self and better to each other.

Grants gives hope to underserved communities and uplift with infrastructure projects. Grocery stores education transportation credit building grants. The funding goes on and we should openly be helping more receiving grant money than currently.

Never will we ever get the funding we have received for every community on the planet friends and foe again.

We ask you report those hindering or not helping with government funds. Spreading hatred to 211 in your local area or contact your local field office of the FBI and report it.

Now is the time to end proverty and get America back to work. Record your hindering experience document. The blocking of public services and report those attempting to use our very systems meant to uplift as domestic terrorists.

Together we can indeed uplift communities and stand together.

You have my resolve and promise no matter the situation to remain honest with you and forever be for us all in the global community.

The truth will always set us free. Let's focus on the future. Allow those focused on the past to remain in the past. Let's move forward with the funding to uplift us all.

We welcome DARPA to the communities.

Joseph Dehonest Jordan

Joseph Dehonest Jordan Foundation