Sunoco Logistics Wants to Build an Oil Pipeline Right Through Our Communities

2 min readApr 22, 2017


Sunoco Logistics is one of the companies that was behind the infamous Dakota Access Pipeline, and now they’re trying to build a pipeline through Pennsylvania — including Delaware and Chester counties.

Sunoco might be putting its pipe-dreams before our safety, but our local governments can still stand against this terrible project.

Urge your local elected officials to act to keep our community safe.

The pipeline would carry extremely dangerous highly volatile liquids like pentane or ethane through Pennsylvania to ship overseas. This pipeline is going to cut right through communities in Delaware and Chester counties, endangering thousands of people along its route.

The risks of this pipeline are horrifying: Sunoco’s dangerous pipeline is routed so that children, elders and homes are within the explosion zone if a major failure occurs.¹ It recently came to light that Sunoco’s own existing pipeline has already leaked three times this year, including earlier this month in Berks County.²

Our local governments need to take a strong stand for public safety — tell them to protect our communities now!

Governor Wolf has approved this extremely dangerous pipeline, under serious pressure from the fracking industry.³

However, our local officials can enforce codes and zoning restrictions that are on the books that can severely limit or sometimes stifle a pipeline project. Tell your local government that the plan for this dangerous pipeline has no place in our communities!

Now that Governor Wolf has pushed through the permits, Sunoco Logistics is going to be racing to build the pipeline before anything catches up to them. One of Sunoco’s favorite lines is that there is nothing people can do about this pipeline. But we know that when we come together, we can turn up the pressure to protect our communities.

Tell your local officials to stand up to Sunoco’s bullying — and stand against this pipeline today!

Thanks for taking action,

Sam Rubin
Eastern Pennsylvania Organizer
Food & Water Watch

