Feroz Shah Kotla Fort at Delhi

Delhi Darshan
2 min readOct 3, 2023


Feroz Shah Kotla Fort, situated in the heart of Delhi, stands as a testimony to the city’s rich historical tapestry. This ancient fort, built by the illustrious Feroz Shah Tughlaq, offers a glimpse into Delhi’s glorious past and architectural prowess. In this article, we will explore the history, architectural splendor, and cultural significance of Feroz Shah Kotla Fort.

Historical Background

Feroz Shah Kotla Fort was constructed by Feroz Shah Tughlaq, the Sultan of Delhi, in the 14th century. He was the third ruler of the Tughlaq dynasty and had a keen interest in architecture and public works. The fort served as his citadel and palace during his reign from 1351 to 1388 AD.

The fort complex was part of Ferozabad, a new city planned and developed by Feroz Shah Tughlaq. It was designed to be a grand edifice, showcasing the might and glory of his empire.

Architectural Marvels

The architectural beauty of Feroz Shah Kotla Fort is a testament to the craftsmanship and architectural brilliance of the medieval era. The fort was built using locally available gray quartzite stone, giving it a distinct appearance.

The fort comprises several remarkable structures, including the Jami Masjid, a grand mosque showcasing Indo-Islamic architecture with intricately carved pillars and minarets. Another prominent structure is the Ashokan Pillar, an ancient pillar with inscriptions dating back to the 3rd century BCE, indicating a history that predates the fort itself.

Cultural and Historical Significance

Feroz Shah Kotla Fort is a melting pot of cultural and historical significance. It was an important political and administrative center during the Tughlaq dynasty, reflecting the governance and grandeur of that era.

Moreover, the Ashokan Pillar, relocated from Topra in Ambala, Haryana, adds a unique historical dimension to the fort. The inscriptions on the pillar provide insights into the time of Emperor Ashoka, a period of profound historical importance.

Present-Day Status and Preservation

Feroz Shah Kotla Fort has stood the test of time, although in a state of partial ruin. The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) now oversees its preservation and maintenance. The fort is a protected monument under the ASI, ensuring its historical and architectural legacy is preserved for future generations.

Visitors flock to the fort not only for its historical and architectural significance but also for the sense of stepping back in time, retracing the footsteps of the rulers who once graced its courtyards.


Feroz Shah Kotla Fort, with its rich historical legacy and architectural grandeur, continues to captivate the imagination of those who visit it. As we wander through its ancient corridors and marvel at its splendid structures, we connect with a past that shaped Delhi into the vibrant city it is today. The fort stands as a sentinel, a guardian of Delhi’s heritage, allowing us to peer into the annals of history and appreciate the magnificence of a bygone era.

