Delphi Systems Bounty Program

4 min readOct 18, 2017


From the beginning, our team has done our best to prioritize community involvement. Communities make all the difference when it comes to whether or not a project in crypto succeeds, so we have put a lot more thought into how our Bounty Programs are structured and handled. With Delphi Systems, we have taken into account all the feedback we have received so far, and with it, we’ve overhauled our approach.

With the new bounty program, we want to…

  • make sure that any and all contributions (no matter the format) are fairly rewarded
  • discourage users from trying to “game” or abuse the program by committing to suboptimal or arbitrary point systems
  • align bounty participants’ incentives more directly to the results achieved
  • provide a smoother submission process
  • encourage more creative and genuine contributions altogether

In short, we want to make it possible for bounty participants and other community members to establish a much richer dialogue with us, and give credit where credit is truly due.

If you are interested in being part of the Delphi Systems team and helping our community or project to grow in any way, all we ask is for your best efforts. If you find an aspect of our project interesting and want to write a blog post detailing your thoughts on the subject, we want to know. If you help educate others (or generally just make them feel welcome when they show up) on forums or channels like Reddit, Steemit, and Slack (or RocketChat), we want to know. If you help to get Delphi listed or mentioned on any sort of public directory or listing website, we want to know. If you find a way to improve some of our code (or deploy a cool new Delphi-related contract yourself), we want to know. If you have a large Twitter presence and you help spread the word by retweeting us, we want to know.

The Delphi Systems Bounty Program is in your hands, and it is for you to shape as you see fit. This isn’t to imply that we’ll be “hands off” in any sense; we’ll be there, available for any questions (or even just brainstorming ideas) and we’re happy to collaborate with you as needed.

Total Allocation

One important new element to the program is that the final quantity of tokens allocated as bounty rewards is dependent on the total sum raised in the Community Token Auction. We hope this encourages contributions that meaningfully help to grow and strengthen the project. Of the total supply of PHI, 60% will be distributed via the Community Token Auction, and the remaining 40% is split between the Founder’s Token Pool and the Bounties Token Pool.

The Bounties Token Pool will be allocated a minimum of 10% of the total PHI token supply (the Founder’s Pool thus receiving a maximum of 30% of the total token supply). The Bounties Token Pool percentage allocation increases linearly from there to a maximum of 25%, in the case where the Community Token Auction cap is reached (which would result in the Founder’s Pool comprising 15% of the total token supply). Please see our allocations page for an interactive chart showing the possible token allocations that would result from various auction outcomes.

The bounty rewards from this pool will be distributed at a rate no lower than 2% per month and no higher than 10% per month, beginning in January 2018.


To submit any sort of contribution, please visit our bounty submissions page and fill out the form on the page. From there, you can tell us what you’ve done (and give us URLs/links or other proof to see it firsthand), along with an ETH address that you would like to receive compensation at, and an email address that we may use to contact you.

Please note: it is essential to include a valid email address with your contribution(s), so that we may remain in contact with you as Bounty Program developments unfold. All communications regarding this program will be handled through bounties (at) delphi (dot) systems and emails should be directed to this address if any questions or concerns arise.

The participants in our prior Bounty Programs are absolutely being grandfathered in to the new system, as are the community members who have kept a positive and supportive attitude as we have expanded and refined the Delphi Systems vision. We will be tracking, reviewing, and organizing contributions as they are received, and keeping notes regarding the quality and value of each effort. In the final phases of our compound token distribution, we will be providing many more updates about the final bounty results and data, and once we are certain that everyone has been fairly accounted for, we will begin issuing the tokens to the community members that earned them.

We have put a lot of thought into how we can most fairly (and amply) reward our community members for the work and effort they put forth on our behalf. We recognize that any ambitious project needs a happy and satisfied community to achieve its full potential, and we are going to try our best to achieve the former so that you can help us achieve the latter. We hope that this new, more flexible and accommodating Bounty Program will bring us closer to both goals, and allow the community the opportunity to shape the future of our project with us.

Thank you for all of your work, and we look forward to opening this new and ongoing dialogue.

