The New Delphi

4 min readAug 28, 2017


First, we need to apologize for the recent radio silence. Truthfully: we are sorry. Though we’ve wanted to communicate much more transparently over the past couple of weeks, internal developments have prevented us from being able to do so. As always, thank you for your patience and understanding.

With the exception of a single individual, we are moving forward, but unfortunately we are no longer able to do so with the Delphi Markets project. An irreconcilable difference in vision has brought us to an impasse. Rather than risk starting things off on the wrong foot and potentially falling short when it comes to achieving our vision, we have decided that the most honorable path forward is to return all contributions and to shut down Delphi Markets entirely.

Funds are being returned.

Edit: The ETH raised in our Fair Auction crowdsale has been sent to a Redemption Contract, to allow holders of DEL to convert their tokens back to ETH at the exchange rate established in the Fair Auction.

We recognize that DEL has traded on the open market. The owners of the addresses who have acquired DEL between the distribution phase and the time of this announcement can contact us to receive a reimbursement (and fortunately public key cryptography allows us to verify the authenticity of such claims). Other than this accommodation, however, we are discontinuing support for DEL and Delphi Markets entirely.

The Future

The rest of the Delphi team will be continuing forward with a new project: Delphi Systems.

While there are some clear similarities between the new Delphi Systems project and the old Delphi Markets one, they should be considered totally separate and distinct initiatives. There are a few substantial differences which are worth mentioning:

  • Delphi.Systems will have a new whitepaper, new code, and a new mailing list. If you are interested in following our project and receiving updates, please subscribe at the bottom of the page at, because we can no longer guarantee the integrity of the information sent out via the old mailing list.
  • Delphi.Systems will primarily be an oracle-oriented project. We are focusing much more heavily on Pythia and treating it as the project’s flagship application.
  • While we will still offer prediction markets, they will primarily be offered as a “killer app” for the oracle platform and service. Our custom Omphalos architecture is minimal (it is deliberately designed to be much less complex than alternative prediction market implementations) and extensible, in a similar way to our approach with Pythia.
  • The general token utility and basic premise will be substantially different from the original. Our new whitepaper and future documentation will clarify this in more depth.
  • Delphi.Systems will be “Gnosis-friendly” (i.e. no longer positioned as a competitor to Gnosis, and instead built to achieve inter-project synergy and cooperation)
  • With the team split, we can no longer guarantee (or even confidently assure) full anonymity, so we are adjusting our approach accordingly. More information regarding this will be forthcoming.
  • The code that we have been developing will be published prior to the token launch and crowdsale. In other words, there will be more “code substance” for prospective users to evaluate and test before deciding whether they would like to get involved.

Final Thoughts

We still wish to make sure that our Bounty Hunters (past, present, and future) are taken care of and properly compensated for their contributions.

As much as we wish that complications like this hadn’t ever come up, we do see an opportunity here. Despite some minor necessary concessions, the new project will be able to be much more transparent in a great number of ways, which will free our hands and allow us to focus more heavily on the things that we feel best equipped to deliver. Our strategy is indeed being updated, but we don’t feel that it is too wild of a deviation, and we feel confident that despite this early bump in the road, we can preserve the best components of our original vision. We really hope that you like our new direction.

Note: The Delphi Markets domain ( https : // delphi . markets ) should be considered totally compromised. is the official domain of the new project.

The following PGP keys remain valid, and represent keys controlled by members of the Delphi Systems team:







The same keys are available for verification on the new website.

The funds will initially be sent to 0x8f12Fe64d2e9fEA29deF7106868fE7f43bf999a9 during the redemption process.

