Delphi Markets Crowdsale Bounty Rewards Program

5 min readJul 10, 2017


Delphi Markets is inspired by community-owned projects where user participation is a central aspect of development. With this in mind (and due to popular demand), we are launching a bounty program for any and all Delphi Markets supporters to earn DEL, the token that powers our prediction markets.

Note: If you’re interested in tracking our spreadsheets please view our Delphi Markets Bounty Rewards Program post on BitcoinTalk



BitcoinTalk Announcement Thread




Reward Structure:

Up to two million (2,000,000) DEL tokens will be rewarded for participating in the following Bounty categories:

⦁ BitcoinTalk Signatures/Avatar : 20%

⦁ Twitter: 25%

⦁ Reddit: 25%

⦁ Translation: 20%

⦁ Blog Posts: 10%

To earn DEL, simply accumulate points by the end of the Delphi crowdsale (July 30, 2017). At the end of the crowdsale, points for each category will be added up and used to calculate the number of DEL you will receive. The number of DEL you will receive for a particular bounty category is proportional to the number of points you’ve earned in that category.

For example, if:

⦁ You have 1 point in the BitcoinTalk signature/avatar program

⦁ And there are a total of 200 people in the BitcoinTalk signature/avatar program who have each earned 1 point

⦁ At the end of the crowdsale, there are 400,000 DEL allocated to BitcoinTalk bounty rewards.

Then you will earn 4,000 * 1 / 200 = 2,000 DEL.

Bounty Categories, Tasks, and Rewards

Note: Percentages below are based on a maximum of up to two million (2,000,000) initial DEL token supply reserved from the crowdsale

BitcoinTalk Signatures and Avatar

One of the Largest pools of the DEL rewards, this requires you to add our information to your signature or avatar of your BitcoinTalk profile to earn DEL.

Participation and Rewards:

a. Register here to participate.

b. Add the avatar and the signature based on your rank to your profile.

c. Participant in the BitcoinTalk army of this campaign needs to post more than 2 quality posts per day or leave at least 1 message on the Delphi Crowdsale ANN Thread to qualify for the daily points below. Spam or low quality posts that are removed by administrators will not count.

d. Spammers will be banned from the entire bounty program and will not receive any DEL for what points they might have accumulated.

  • Junior Member: 15 points / day
  • Member: 25 points / day
  • Full Member: 35 points / day
  • Senior Member: 40 points / day
  • Hero/Legendary Member: 60 points / day
  • Avatar: 15 points / day


Help spread the word about Delphi to your community. Earn DEL by translating our Whitepaper, any of our published Medium articles, and/or BitcoinTalk OP to another language.

Participation and Rewards:

a. Register here to reserve your translation.

b. Translate our Whitepaper or Medium articles to another language and send them to us at for us to publish.

c. If translating the BitcoinTalk OP, we count moderation for posts translating the BitcoinTalk Delphi Markets Announcement Thread only.

d. Genuine translations only done by people who are able to write fluently. Google Translate or other web services are not allowed.

  • Whitepaper: 250 points
  • Medium Articles: 200 points
  • BitcoinTalk Announcement: 150 points
  • Moderation: 0.5 points per 5 posts in your thread

Blog Posts

Write blog posts about Delphi Markets to earn DEL. Explore our ideas and expand on your own by creating original content to help our name grow.

Participation and Rewards:

Topics can include, but are not limited to: discussing the crowdsale, discussing any of our published Medium articles, as well as discussing current and future applications of Delphi. Research, analytical, and technical implementations and applications are of particular use. Please use our Medium and our Whitepaper as resources.

a. Register here to participate.

b. Blogs must be on the Internet and publicly accessible.

c. Each blog post must have at least 300 words.

d. Each blog post must contain at least two (2) links to

e. Blog posts must have unique content (translations do not count).

f. Blog posts can be in any language.

g. Points will be awarded based on the quality of the blog post

  • Low Quality: 5 points
  • Average Quality: 15 points
  • Good Quality: 30 points
  • Great Quality: 60 points


We will frequently tweet updates and announcements from Delphi. Follow us on Twitter and retweet to earn more DEL. Use of hashtags is encouraged (e.g. #DelphiMarkets).

Participation and Rewards:

a. Register here to participate.

b. Follow @Delphi_Markets

c. In one day you must retweet at least two of our tweets or create your own original tweet mentioning @Delphi_Markets in order to qualify for the daily points.

d. Your followers must be real and your account must show an acceptable report.

  • Under 300 followers: 15 points / day
  • 301–1000 followers: 30 points / day
  • 1,001 or more followers: 60 points / day


Discuss topics in depth with the online community in order to earn DEL. Be excellent to each other.

Participation and Rewards:

Please use our Twitter, Medium, and Bitcointalk as resources. We will be updating them regularly with upcoming news and events.

a. Register here to participate.

b. Participant needs to leave at least 4 quality comments per day mentioning Delphi or at least 1 quality post (as well as the active participation and moderation of said post) for bounties to count in that given day. Spam or low quality posts that are removed by administrators will not count.

c. Spammers will be banned from the entire bounty program and will not receive any DEL for what points they might have accumulated.

  • Accounts 1–6 months old: 15 points / day
  • Accounts 6 months — 2 years old: 30 points / day
  • Accounts 2 years and up: 60 points / day

Facebook (No longer available)

Because of the low registration turnout and a desire for more operational security we will no longer be continuing the Facebook portion of our Delphi Markets Bounty Program.

We are sorry for the inconvenience, however we feel it is the best course of action to be taken for our team and our community.

