Who Owns Adam? Bought and Paid For By Fringe, Far-right Special Interests

Democratic Governors
3 min readJun 13, 2018

Adam Laxalt will always put his donors and special interests before Nevada’s families, and his record proves it. It’s why he refuses to answer even the most basic follow up questions about policy. He knows his policies are out-of-step with Nevadans.

Laxalt Tape Sent To FBI

In 2017, Adam Laxalt was caught on tape asking for the state gaming regulator to go easy on his biggest donor. The tape was then sent to the FBI for further investigation. At the same time, it forced Laxalt to recuse himself from the case, which was settled for more than $75 million.

Koch Brothers Puppet

Adam Laxalt will say anything the Koch Brothers tell him to say, whether or not it is good public policy. Multiple times, he has publicly fought with sitting Republican Governor Brian Sandoval, and the pattern paints a picture of fringe, right-wing politics trumping what’s best for Nevada.


Adam Laxalt would gut bipartisan education funding passed last year simple to appease his backers. While Nevada remains 49th in the nation for quality of pre-K-12th grade education, Laxalt wants to cut nearly $200 million from the education budget this year alone.

Even his preferred running mate lieutenant governor candidate Michael Roberson “eviscerated” Laxalt for his proposal, and Gov. Sandoval said the cuts would be “devastating to education.” So why does he continue to back the cuts?


Adam Laxalt as often mentioned he opposes Obamacare and has touted his lawsuit to repeal key provisions of the Affordable Care Act. Instead of looking for a bipartisan, commonsense solution, he supports the congressional Republicans’ effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which would leave over 100,000 Nevadans without healthcare.

He’s long fought protections for women’s health imbedded as part of the law, and continues to be one of the most anti-choice candidates in Nevada’s history.

Now, he’s been silent on whether he supports Donald Trump’s effort to gut pre-existing conditions. Why does he want to rollback healthcare for Nevada’s families?

Raising Wages

Adam Laxalt takes the Koch Brothers ideology to the extreme. He opposes raising the minimum wage, even questioning whether there should be a minimum wage at all, and sued to limit overtime pay for 4 million workers.

Standing By The Indefensible

After horrific accusations against Steve Wynn forced Wynn out of his company, Adam Laxalt remained silent, declining to comment “because of a potential conflict of interest over the attorney general’s office.” This was despite every other gubernatorial candidate condemning Wynn.

Now, another political ally is accused of despicable crimes and he still stands idle, refusing to renounce his support. Storey County Sheriff Gerald Antinoro has had “numerous….more than 10” complaints had been filed against him since 2010. Just this weekend, a new complaint was filed.

While Laxalt’s office said an investigation underway, it is unclear that an investigation has even been started.

So why is Adam Laxalt refusing to disavow Sheriff Antinoro?

Fringe Social Views

Adam Laxalt opposes gay marriage, opposes a woman’s right to choose, and would restrict women’s access to contraception and preventative care

Adam Laxalt’s has long attacked LGBT rights, supporting religious liberty laws around the country, while refusing to enforce Nevada law. On women’s health, he’s just as bad. He signed onto an amicus brief “defending a Texas law that bans the most common method of abortion.”

It’s clear a Laxalt governorship would hurt Nevada’s economy by making it a less inclusive and welcoming state.



Democratic Governors

Democratic Governors Association. Electing Democratic governors since 1983.