COP23: Climate Justice Events

We are who we’ve been waiting for

Demand Climate Justice
9 min readNov 6, 2017

This is a living list of events planned by climate justice groups either on their own initiative or collaboratively. It is not exhaustive and the nature of some events such as direct action require details to remain vague in advance.

We’ve already taken part in the #KlimaDemo and #EndeGalaende

Monday 6th

9.30–12.00 PM | Room 4, Gustav-Stresemann-Institut, Langer Grabenweg 68
Bringing the World to Bonn
Join activists from around the world to plan collective action for climate justice. We want to collaborate with you for a variety of types of actions in Bonn throughout the two weeks of the COP and surrounding activity. Bring your ideas and enthusiasm and let’s plan how to amplify climate justice demands!

11.30 –1.00 PM | Room 7, Bonn Zone
What to expect from COP 23
Speakers from developing countries will provide insights on the negotiations in Bonn, including the sticky issues and what they would like to see as outcomes for the Fiji COP and beyond. Speakers include negotiators Pei Liang from China, Andres Mogro from Ecuador, and Xolisa Ngwadla from South Africa as well as Meena Raman from Third World Network. The event is moderated by Mariama Williams from South Centre.

2.30–4.00 PM | Room K1 — Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn
Reclaiming our Right to Food
Reclaiming our Rights to Food, Land and Water Workshop aims to have a discussion and deeper understanding of the impacts and implications of climate change and climate change false solutions on food, land and water, and of unsustainable food production systems on climate and the environment. It also aims to explore alternative policies and systems that will ensure our right to food, food sovereignty, sustainable food systems and climate justice. The workshop will strive to further develop existing plans and initiatives of participants in building a campaign on Food, Land, Water and Climate Change, and ensure that women and gender perspectives, issues and agenda are integrated in the analysis, positions, alternatives and strategies.

5.00–7.00 PM | Room K2 — Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn
Extractivism and Climate Change: the voice of the affected
The workshop aims at sharing examples of extractivism and climate change in Latin America and at criticizing the national policies on which the Paris agreement have no influence whatsoever. Moreover, we want to create alliances with other players in order to build a partnership between networks from the North and from the South with a better impact. The workshop will also give the opportunity to learn about the agenda of the climate struggles within the latin-american networks.

Tuesday 7th

11.30–1.00 PM | Room 10, Bonn Zone
Fair Shares & Ambition in the Post-Paris Regime: Report Launch
Based on the 2015 report “Fair Shares: A CSO Equity Review of the INDC” the broad CSO coalition behind that study will present an update to the report two years later. What has changed, what has not and what can we learn for justice, ambition and the design of FD2018 and the Global Stocktake? Speakers include Alison Doig, Christian Aid; Tom Athanasiou, Climate Equity Reference Project; Brandon Wu, ActionAid USA; Sanjay Vashist, CAN-SA; Lidy Nacpil, Asian Peoples Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD; Anabella Rosemberg, ITUC; Mohammed Adow, Christian Aid.

2.30–4.30 PM | Room R152a, Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn
Southern Voices: Struggles for Food, Energy, Gender & Climate Justice
Movements leaders and activists from across the Global South will share their perspectives on what climate justice means in principle and practice. Speakers will discuss various intersections of the climate crisis with issues of food, energy, gender, trade, and more. They will share experiences from their national struggles and discuss possibilities for global solidarity.

2.30–7.00 PM | Room K2, Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn
Women for Climate Justice: a workshop for building strategies
Proposed solutions to climate change, like Climate Smart Agriculture, REDD+ and carbon markets have strong impacts on women in the global south, in addition to be false solutions to the climate crisis. Meanwhile, local communities are mitigating climate change or adapting to it by either recovering ancient practices or developing new ones. Women have a crucial role in recovering, maintaining and developing these practices. This workshop will bring together women from different organizations and geographies to share our experiences in facing false solutions to climate change, to build knowledge on what we are doing in terms of alternatives — First we will share perspectives on false solutions and local actions that have substantial impact on mitigation and adaption to climate change. We will assess what kind of knowledge we need to spread about strategies for addressing the climate crisis. Second, we will develop action strategies of movement building/strengthening and of advocacy and collaboration between organizations on local, national and international level.

5.00–7.00 PM | Room 152a, Wissenschaftszentrum
Transforming the energy system for people and the planet
We draw together voices from across our global federation and beyond to call for a drastic transformation of our energy system. We denounce dirty energy for driving the climate crisis, harming communities and workers, grabbing lands, polluting air, water & soil. From Asia fighting coal financing by the Asian Dev Bank, massive ramp up in gas infrastructure in Europe, to the threat of offshore oil exploitation in Togo, we need to come together to fight dirty energy and share tactics for resistance.

Wednesday 8th

10.00–11.00 AM| Meeting Room 3, Bonn Zone
Climate Justice Assembly
The Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice (that’s us!) convenes these assemblies for all climate justice allies. We take the opportunity to inform ourselves about political and policy developments in the negotiations and plan collective actions and other interventions.

12.00–12.30 PM | Press Conference Room 2, Bula Zone 3
Pre-2020: What we need from COP23| Press Conference
Representatives from Third World Network, Environmental Rights Action-Nigeria, and Christian Aid will speak to the urgent need for countries to set and adhere to pollution cuts in the next 2 years to avoid a lost decade of climate inaction.

Thursday 9th

11.00–11.30 AM | Press Conference Room 2, Bula Zone 3
Global Coal Exit List | Press Conference
Representatives from the global anti-coal movement will present a new tool which highlights the top corporations behind the global coal expansion. This is the launch of the world’s first effective coal divestment tool.

11.30–1.00 PM | Meeting Room 12, Bonn Zone
Reclaiming Power: People Vs. Polluters in the Energy Transformation
The energy sector is the biggest contributor to climate change, but leaves 1 billion people without electricity. Fossil fuels are no longer viable yet are still heavily subsidised. The side event will explore questions about what changes are needed to avoid crossing the the Paris temperature threshold. Civil society experts and social movements leaders will present on their work at the national and international levels, framing the problem and possible solutions, followed by a panel discussion and questions and comments from the audience.

2.00–2.30 PM | Press Conference Room 2, Bula Zone 3
Climate Injustice: How the U.S. is shirking its fair share | Press Conference
Representatives from the Center for Biological Diversity, Corporate Accountability, and SustainUS will touch on how the U.S. has continued to be a global bully and laggard in the climate change talks, while shirking it’s massive responsibility to reduce emissions.

4.45–6.15 PM | Meeting Room 10, Bonn Zone
Fossil Gas: pathway to a clean energy future or route to dangerous climate change?
So-called “natural” gas is being sold by industry lobbyists as a ‘transition fuel’ and ‘partner’ to renewables. Yet new fossil gas infrastructure is driving dangerous climate change and won’t keep us within a safe and fair carbon budget. Hear the facts — and how people are resisting on the ground. Representatives from frontline communities affected by gas development in the Global South and North will join Prof. Kevin Anderson, Uppsala University — Sweden, Antoine Simon, Friends of the Earth Europe, and Pascoe Sabido, Corporate Europe Observatory.

Friday 10th

10.00–11.00 AM | Meeting Room 3, Bonn Zone
Climate Justice Assembly
The Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice (that’s us!) convenes these assemblies for all climate justice allies. We take the opportunity to inform ourselves about political and policy developments in the negotiations and plan collective actions and other interventions.

12.30–1.00 PM | Press Conference Room 2, Bula Zone 3
What is at stake in the negotiations and how does this link to action on the ground | Press Conference
Representatives from Friends of the Earth International, Friends of the Earth Malaysia, Friends of the Earth Indonesia, and Friends of the Earth Europe will share their analysis of the #COP23 negotiations and what that means — or doesn’t — for grassroots struggles.

Saturday 11th

10.30–1.30 PM | Bonn Central Station Bus Terminal
Klima Demo II
We hear there might be another march….

6.00–8.00 PM | Ermekeil Kasern, Ermerkeilstrasse 27.
From the Pacific to the Rhineland- Stories of Climate Justice
Hear from frontline communities in the Pacific and local communities in Germany fighting against fossil fuel extraction and for climate justice.

Sunday 12th

3.00–6.00 PM | Room S1\S2, Wissenschaftszentrum
Just Transition Assembly

Monday 13th

11.00–11.30 AM | Press Conference Room 2, Bula Zone 3
Same Canoe, Different Paddles: How to Bring Equity into the Talanoa Dialogue | Press Conference
Representatives from the Climate Equity Reference Project and other Partners of the Civil Society Equity Review will offer their recommendations toward the 2018 Talanoa Dialogue which is designed to ramp up the ambition in countries’ climate change targets.

Tuesday 14th

10.00–11.00 AM | Meeting Room 3, Bonn Zone
Climate Justice Assembly
The Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice (that’s us!) convenes these assemblies for all climate justice allies. We take the opportunity to inform ourselves about political and policy developments in the negotiations and plan collective actions and other interventions.

1.30–2.00 PM | Press Conference Room 2, Bula Zone 3
Reclaim Power
Representatives from Partner organisations of the Reclaim Power initiative will outline their collective demands of governments to achieve the just energy transformation the world needs to avoid passing the 1.5 degree threshold into climate chaos.

Wednesday 15th

9.00–9.45 AM | Entrance to Bula Zone 1
Reclaim Power Action Stunt

10.00–10.30 AM | Bula Zone 1
Reclaim Power Action Stunt Pt. 2

11.00–11.30 AM | Press Conference Room 2, Bula Zone 3
Real Solutions or Dangerous Distractions? | Press Conference
Representatives from ActionAid International, Global Forest Coalition, ETC Group, and the Philippine Movement for Climate Justice will talk about the need to guard against dangerous technologies being proposed to deal with climate change such as bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) and geo-engineering.

Thursday 16th

9.00–10.00 AM | Bula Entrance
Reclaiming our right to Food, Land & Water Action Stunt

10.00–11.00 AM | Meeting Room 3, Bonn Zone
Climate Justice Assembly
The Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice (that’s us!) convenes these assemblies for all climate justice allies. We take the opportunity to inform ourselves about political and policy developments in the negotiations and plan collective actions and other interventions.

Friday 17th

11.00–11.30 AM | Press Conference Room 2, Bula Zone 3
A Climate Justice Analysis of COP23 | Press Conference
Speakers from Third World Network, the Asian People’s Movement on Debt and Development, ActionAid International, and Friends of the Earth International will offer their take of the COP23 outcome and look what climate justice movements must do in the coming months and year.

A full schedule of the events at the People’s Climate Summit is available here.
A full schedule of side events at the UN climate conference is available here.



Demand Climate Justice

Global justice writings on the climate crisis and the struggles for a dignified life