If you bought ATB coin, you got rekt

Alpha Cube Capital
2 min readSep 19, 2017


I don’t understand how this “company” raised millions of dollars but I honestly feel sorry for everyone who put money into this project. You bought a useless coin with false promises and there were red flags the entire time.

…The biggest red flags:

The interviews were 100% scripted and easy to tell.

The technology backing this cryptocurency are SegWit? Smart Contracts? Lightening Network? All which are not even available in the initial launch. Its literally a reskinned and recompiled litecoin code.

Verified ICO’s laid the harsh honest facts out.

In a brutally honest blog post about ATB coin you can see every fact mention is the truth about this ICO. This coin was never the next Ethereum and never will be. It was purely a marketing scheme to collect money.

$69.00 virtual office.

These guys don’t even have a real office…

ATB Coin headquarters. $69 bucks a month.

No developers on the web site.

Its because they have none. All they did was spend a few grand on Upwork developers reskinning the user interface and change minor settings to create their own useless blockchain. DOGE coin has more features than ATB and is more stable! How sad is that?

ICO late launch day. Coin prices on the crappiest exchange YoBit just collapse. This coin will never be approved on Bittrex or any mainstream exchange.


ATB is the latest “shit-coin”.

Please don’t support crappy projects or be naive and support this horrible attempt of a project. Do your research before putting your money into an altcoin because its no different than dealing with an over the counter penny stock. Use the available reputable resource sites to obtain information on upcoming ICOs:


