Miyamoto Musashi: Walking Alone

Denis Bischof
9 min readMar 18, 2024

“Seek victory today over the self of yesterday.
Tomorrow, conquer your shortcomings and then [build] your strong points.”

- Miyamoto Musashi | Gorin no Sho

Miyamoto Musashi was a legendary samurai who fought in several battles and won over 60 one-on-one life-or-death duels, never losing one. Not just an accomplished swordsman, but also an artist, painter, poet, and Zen practitioner.

What was Musashi like? What can we learn from him? It turns out a lot. His writings, primarily focused on martial arts, offer practical wisdom applicable to many aspects of life.

In this video, we combine his teachings with biographical elements trying to understand the words themselves and the man who wrote them.

Short note: Translation of Musashi’s works are sourced from
1) The Complete Musashi by Alexander Bennett

Biographical elements are sourced from two books (Link in Description):
1) The Complete Musashi by Alexander Bennett
2) The Lone Samurai by William Scott Wilson

Any additional information provided is my interpretation, aiming to faithfully represent Musashi’s teachings and make them practical for you. Any mistakes in this video are, of course, my own.

