Sixth Node.js Meetup in Moscow

Denis Izmaylov
2 min readMay 20, 2016


Organize a meetup for 45 expert developers including React.js and Node.js contributors just in 3 days — done.

Yesterday we made Sixth Node.js Meetup and it was really great. We did a few experiments with meetup format:

  1. Instead of classic “talk — questions — next” we offered to do it as a live communication with speakers. Everybody can interrupt and ask the speaker anytime. It was really great experience. Everyone was motivated and involved. People came to us after the meetup:
    - Thank you guys for this format. I really like it. The first time in my live I did not tired about talks and all discusses was very interesting.
  2. Instead of starting the talks immediately we did a 20 minutes intro before. I told about last news in Node.js ecosystem, reviewed some articles and other Node.js meetups in the the U.S., London and Berlin. We reviewed future Node.js events and did a panel discussion about Node.js 6.0 and Golang.
  3. We have added section “Free Microphone” where everyone can make express talk with 5–8 slides about their project architecture and review some actual questions.

That’s all made this meetup like mini conference and I’m convinced that it’s right way because Software Developers needs a diversity as nobody else.

I want to thank Mail.Ru Group for hosting our meetup and I want to thank our speakers for great talks:

  • e-Commerce Story: how we moved from Bitrix to Node.js, Artur Bier (Dr. Head, CTO)
  • Flow and Node.js, Vladimir Kurchatkin (Node.js Contributor)
  • Fatal problems in Node.js, Aleksey Okhrimenko (Iponweb, Software Developer)
  • Performance metrics and optimization tricks for React.js Server-side Rendering, Vadim Zhulanov (Rambler.Ru, Lead Front-end Developer).

For me personally it was useful and productive meetup which looks like a brainstorm and team building event. We will continue and try to make it even better.

Stay tuned.

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