Cheating pills

Denny K. Schuldt
1 min readMar 16, 2024


A poem written by Denny K. Schuldt.

Have I been cheated before?
I cannot answer that being 100% sure.
Have I taken the cheating pills?
No. The mere idea just gives me the chills.

“That’s not me” I answer everytime that question comes to the table.
Betraying someone’s heart. No, for that I’m not able.
It is so difficult to find someone in these modern times,
why would you even think about commiting such crime?

Why is it common to hear they have cheated instead of the ones that have not?
Perhaps about love and respect for the other have they forgot?
Maybe I’m just old fashioned,
but I believe in true love, the one that’s passioned.

Once you have doubts, your relationship risks sinking.
You notice changes in behavior that leave you questioning.
Could that be true? Could this be happening?
Could I be acting paranoid and just imagining?

But why do they need to get to that extreme?
Blink, and change their love’s color scheme.
Turn a shining rainbow into a clouded storm,
all of this for making cheating the new norm?

Copyright © Denny K. Schuldt 2024.

“Have I taken the cheating pills? No. The mere idea just gives me the chills.”
“Have I taken the cheating pills? No. The mere idea just gives me the chills.”



Denny K. Schuldt

A contemporary lyric poet seeking beauty of the mind, richness of the spirit, tenderness of the heart. 🪶