Into the blue


A poem written by Denny K. Schuldt.

I’m navigating into the blue,
alone in a boat that used to be full.
Facing the waves in the ocean of life,
sometimes uneasy, sometimes alright.

I’ve been accused of treating feelings like math,
of being a robot instead of feeling my path.
I can’t help the way I process and feel,
praying every time I could keep the wheel.

I see myself as an open-minded being,
learning and growing with my mind freeing.
My talents sometimes work against me,
The cases they do, they pain me.

I sleep to avoid feeling,
hoping tomorrow I won’t be grieving.
The people that left the boat,
I can’t blame them at all.

Copyright © Denny K. Schuldt 2024

“Alone in a boat that used to be full.”



Denny K. Schuldt

A contemporary lyric poet seeking beauty of the mind, richness of the spirit, tenderness of the heart. 🪶