Overview of Jockey Injuries and Fatalities in Horse Races

4 min readFeb 22, 2023

DerbyRuns Metaverse, the first Ride-to-Earn concept representative, combines horse racing and blockchain technology; continues to inform its community with up-to-date blog posts about the horse racing industry.

In this blog post, we will examine jockey injuries/deaths due to accidents in horse racing.

The popularity of horse racing dates back hundreds of years. People were fascinated by the risks and the excitement of this sport. Jockeys, the skilled horse riders who compete in these races, are often celebrated for their bravery and athleticism. However, horse racing can be dangerous, and jockeys face a high risk of injury or even death each time they compete. While modern safety equipment and regulations have helped to reduce the number of injuries and fatalities in recent years, there are still inherent dangers associated with racing at high speeds on horseback.

So, how often are jockeys injured or killed during horse racing? Unfortunately, the answer is not straightforward. While statistics on horse racing injuries are available, they can be challenging to interpret and compare across countries and racing organizations. Additionally, some injuries may go unreported or undocumented, making it challenging to accurately understand the overall risk to jockeys.

A Few Statistics on Injuries

According to a study conducted by the Jockey Club, an organization representing thoroughbred breeders and owners in the United States, there were 366 jockey injuries in 2021. Of those, 24 were classified as severe injuries, such as fractures, dislocations, or head trauma.

That said, some trends and common types of injuries are worth exploring. According to a study by the British Horseracing Authority, the overall in-race injury incidence in professional horse racing was 2.5 injuries per 1000 jockey rides. However, more severe injuries, such as fractures, head, and spinal injuries, are common.

Jockey is an important factor in DerbyRuns Metaverse races. While every basic horse comes with a Jockey, there will be the option to upgrade a jockey in the marketplace to acquire one with more experience or abilities.

While these numbers might seem high, they represent a significant improvement over past years. In the 1940s and 1950s, for example, jockey fatalities were not uncommon, with as many as 30 or more riders dying each year in the United States alone. Thanks to advances in safety technology and regulations, the number of jockey fatalities has been significantly reduced. Of course, that’s not to say there haven’t been some notable examples of jockey injuries and deaths in the sport’s history.

DerbyRuns Metaverse

Jockey Injuries and Fatalities

Sometimes, jockeys have even lost their lives while competing in horse races. One of the most high-profile examples was the death of legendary jockey Frank Hayes. In 1923, Hayes won a race at New York’s Belmont Park, despite having a heart attack mid-race. He collapsed and died shortly after crossing the finish line, making him the first and only jockey to win a race posthumously.

Aside from sudden and unexpected events like Hayes’ death, jockeys can also suffer from injuries that build up over time. Many jockeys experience chronic pain, joint problems, and mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. Despite these risks, many jockeys compete in horse racing due to their passion for the sport and the potential rewards of success.

Ralph Neves

In 1933, jockey Ralph Neves was declared dead after suffering a massive head injury in a race at Bay Meadows in California. Miraculously, Neves was later found alive and went on to have a successful career as a jockey, even winning the 1955 Kentucky Derby aboard a horse named Swaps.
Another infamous case of jockey injury occurred in 1990 when Michael Martinez was paralyzed from the waist down following a fall at Hollywood Park in California. Martinez became an advocate for jockey safety, and his story helped raise awareness of the risks associated with horse racing.

DerbyRuns Metaverse

By combining the time-honored sport of thoroughbred racing with the latest blockchain technology, DerbyRuns aims to provide the thrill of buying and training a winner and bring that experience to the masses with their new Ride-To-Earn metaverse and thoroughbred racing game.

Take your chance to be a part of this groundbreaking project. Join our seed sale today and help us build the next-generation Horse Racing Metaverse. We will create a world that is truly unlike anything else as DerbyRuns Metaverse. Join us now and be a part of the future!

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