How Hearthstone Onboards New Users (a guide for UX designers)

Derrick Grant
1 min readOct 6, 2015


As a product person I have a unhealthy obsession with onboarding users. As a video game player I recognise the gaming industry has a 20 year head start in the art of interaction design.

Partly inspired by a GDC talk explaining that Hearthstone is a game devised of ‘purely interface.’

Partly inspired by this great ‘Product Onboarding and Video Games’ article by Gaurav Kulkarni and equally illuminated by the design bounty that is I decided to map Hearthstones first time user journey.


What is your favourite onboarding game experience?
Let me know and I’ll cover more gaming onboarding journeys.

Hit me up on Twitter derrick_l_grant or drop me a line to



Derrick Grant

Product Designer with a love of typography @Derrick_l_grant