DESCROW — Alpha test

Decentralized Escrow
8 min readOct 1, 2018


Dear friends, colleagues and everyone who is interested in the Descrow project!

Today, we are delighted to announce that we are now ready to launch testing of the alpha version of the DESCROW platform and invite you to participate in it.

1. Invitation to testing.

In order to start testing — fill out the Tester Form at, register on the website of the alpha version of the platform (the link to the website will be sent by email to the addresses of testers) and start using the platform. If you find any flaws, take a screenshot and describe the problem in detail by writing to the email address indicated in the letter to testers.

When registering, the user will need to fill in all personal data, after which he will automatically receive cryptocurrency wallets with a number of popular cryptocurrencies (currently Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin), through which you can buy ICO tokens of projects on the platform. If necessary, the user can watch the video instruction “How to add a crypto currency for testing”. When adding a crypto currency, the user will be automatically credited with a demo amount of cryptocurrency in units of real crypto currency, which the user can use at his or her discretion during the platform testing phase.

Your help is very important to us, as the beta version of the platform, the development of which is in full swing now, will be improved based on the results of the alpha version testing! The beta version of the platform, given your feedback and suggestions will have improved functionality. The security of data transfer in the beta version will be built on reliable algorithms.

2. Features of software solutions on the Descrow platform.

Before you start testing, we would like to tell you about the solutions that we came up with in the current implementation of the platform.

When developing, we set ourselves the goal of structuring the ICO market, offering a service that would make crowdfunding easier, safer and transparent for all market participants. Therefore we set the following tasks in the main functionality which were planned for to be developed on the Ethereum blockchain:

  • for ICO start-ups — facilitating the launch of projects, getting feedback from investors and help from experts;
  • for investors — ensuring security and manageability of investments.

During the development of the platform, it turned out that the Ethereum blockchain did not fully meet the requirements of the platform’s functionality. So the Descrow team started to develop its own, reliable and fast blockchain “NEURO TREE” and integrate it with the platform. The new blockchain allowed the Descrow platform to be much more productive. In addition, new options have become available for users that were not previously planned.

Blockchain “NEURO TREE” was developed by a team of Russian programmers based on elements of artificial intelligence technology and Fat Tree technology, created by Charles Leyzerson in 1985 in MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA). Blockchain is a neural p2p network of “nodes” (“neurochain”) that have dynamic weights (the “rating” of capacity) in the network. The main feature of the neurochain is the constant switching and reconfiguration of the information transfer channels between nodes depending on their dynamic weights, so that transactions are performed in the most efficient way, without reducing the overall network performance even with a large number of “nodes”. This means excellent opportunities for network scalability!

The new algorithm of the blockchain “NEURO TREE” provides ample opportunities for the development of the crowdfunding ecosystem based on the decentralized escrow-service.

First, the potential performance of blockchain-network “NEURO TREE” allows for an incredibly high speed of transactions with cryptocurrencies and tokens of projects issued on the Descrow platform — up to 12,000,000 operations / sec. This is 4,000,000 times faster than the speed of Bitcoin network, 600 000 times faster than the speed of Etherium networks and 500 times faster than the speed of VISA payment system!

Secondly, wide dissemination of the blockchain “NEURO TREE” will not have limitations typical for mineable cryptocurrencies, for example, Bitcoin or Ethereum. The functioning of the neurochain will be conditioned by the specific consensus algorithm “Proof of Place”, acting similar to the “Proof of Stake” algorithm and rewarding the network nodes mainly for their time online, bandwidth of their internet connection and the amount of internal blockchain cryptocurrency “Neuro Token” (NRT) reserved on the node’s wallet.

Thirdly blockchain “NEURO TREE”, like the Ethereum blockchain, has a built-in “virtual machine” what allows users to create a smart contract for the ICO project. The Descrow platform allows the founders of ICO projects to organize crowdfunding campaigns based on a simple, intuitive interface and templates with the Roadmap, the possibility of automated ICO promotion with the help of a referral program and the procedure for investors’ voting in the course of the project implementation.

Smart contracts will allow investors to make real collective decisions on managing their investments in ICO projects, based on the results of voting by the project community and expert opinions on the Descrow platform.

The complete security of the independent storage and usage of crypto assets owned by users (cryptocurrencies and project tokens) can be ensured on the Descrow platform with the help of a distributed messenger on blockchain “NEURO TREE”, which could, apart from other things, generate addresses with private keys. The messenger will be fully integrated with the Descrow platform, which will make it possible to use crypto assets safely for personal purposes and for financing ICO projects. Two-parties signature inside crypto-wallets will be key factor ensuring security of user operations with cryptocurrencies on the platform and thus trust between the participants of ICO projects. Operations with cryptocurrencies and projects tokens purchased or exchanged on the platform will not be possible without simultaneous signing of transactions by the user (“Signature 1” — the first half of the private key) and the Descrow platform (“Signature 2” — the second half of the private key). The fact of operations signing by the Descrow platform will be determined by smart contracts of ICO projects concluded by users — project founders and investors.

Fourthly, blockchain “NEURO TREE” has a built-in technology of atomic swaps and an option for tokens exchange with the ability to trade various cryptocurrencies directly, not through traditional cryptocurrency exchanges. This allows Descrow users to start trading tokens on the platform long before the projects are released to big exchanges, including tokens that are “frozen” on personal wallets of investors by the smart contracts of decentralized escrow until reports on successful implementation of relevant phases of projects are received. Right from the platform launch investors will be able to purchase and exchange ICO tokens released on blockchain “NEURO TREE” in three major world cryptocurrencies — Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and Litecoin (LTC).

Moreover after the release of the Descrow beta version the platform users will be offered another tool for purchasing project tokens or converting investments. We are to offer one of the stable coins for this purpose — cryptocurrencies with fixed internal value such as USD Token (USDT) which is fully backed by the US dollar. Thus the founders of ICO projects and ICO investors will have opportunity to eliminate the financial risks of the cryptocurrencies volatility almost completely, what may be important during the period of step-by-step implementation of ICO projects.

3. A brief overview of the Descrow platform functionality.

The Descrow platform is released as a cross-platform service. Users will be able to use the platform with the help of any stationary or mobile devices.

During the development process Descrow team set the task to make the interface intuitive. And we hope that we have succeeded. If something remains unclear, users will always be able to refer to the detailed manual of the platform functionality or ask the team representatives any questions.

The following basic functions will be available in 3 user modes in the workable version of the platform: “Investor”, “Startup” and “Expert”.


  • projects are moderated before placement, which protects investors against malicious teams of fraudulent projects (scams);
  • project financing is carried out in stages, in tranches, according to the roadmap of the project;
  • voting “for” or “against” the further financing of the project;
  • the ability to sell or buy project tokens on the platform exchange including the “frozen” project tokens held by the smart contract of decentralized escrow until the successful delivery of the project stage report;
  • additional income from the project referral program through inviting other participants;
  • monitoring the project implementation — you can ask questions and provide feedback to founders of the project.

In the future, a function of investment insurance will be added to the platform making it possible to return up to 100% of investors funds in case of project termination.


Moderation of the project that increases confidence of professional investors;

  • automatic creation of a smart contract for ICO project;
  • a referral program built into the platform, which attracts traffic to your ICO greatly;
  • engagement of experts into the ICO team;
  • the opportunity to receive feedback from your investors;
  • receipt of funds in tranches at each stage of the project roadmap which allows you to spend investments more rationally and reduce the risks of hacker attacks on escrow wallets of ICO project;
  • the ability to organize trading the project tokens on the exchange of Descrow platform before entering classical centralized crypto exchanges, including trading the “frozen” tokens held by the smart contract of decentralized escrow until the successful delivery of the project stage report.


  • This mode allows you to collaborate with ICO startups in one click! You just need to fill out a resume and respond to job offer.

Exchange of tokens

Tokens of projects can be bought and sold on the internal exchange of the Descrow platform including “frozen tokens”.

If you are no longer interested in investing in a startup, you can sell its “frozen” tokens on the exchange by creating an order and specifying the desired rate and amount of tokens to be sold. In the same way the investor can purchase the project tokens of his or her interest after the ICO stage, and also even before the project enters some centralized crypto exchange.

Referral program

A referral program for an ICO startup is an opportunity to promote the project to its target audience more effectively than, for example, with a help of a classical bounty campaign. Each startup can activate a referral program for its project, specifying the percentage of referral remuneration in the settings. A personal referral link is automatically created when user is registered on the platform. The referral program is not multilevel.

A referral program is an opportunity for an ICO investor to receive long-term passive income. Any investor who comes by the referral link is assigned to the referral partner permanently. Thus a partner will receive income from all the tranches made by his or her invitees in any project on the Descrow platform during the whole life of those projects!

This is the end of a brief overview of the Descrow platform functionality. We are to start testing alpha release of the platform with the version with Russian-language interface. The version of the platform with the English interface will be finalized and launched for testing in the near future.

After the release of the platform beta version, the Descrow team organizes the listing of the platform tokens DES on the centralized crypto exchange for the speedy launch of services that use tokens for work.
Besides a qualitative testing of the platform will allow the team to adjust and launch the final version of the platform in the very near future. These steps will contribute to the rapid development of an ecosystem of safe and professional crowdfunding in the ICO market.

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