Descrow at the Siberian Blockchain Summit 2018

Decentralized Escrow
6 min readNov 12, 2018


After participating in the Second Siberian Blockchain Forum, which was held in Krasnoyarsk on October 19–20, the team of the Descrow Crowdfunding Platform has become one of the major organizers of the Siberian Blockchain Summit 2018, which took place on November 02–04 at the Siberian State University named after academician M.F. Reshetnev. We present a brief report on the event to your attention.

During the three days of the Summit, representatives of various companies delivered interactive training to the summit’s participants. They also talked on actual experience and future projects with implementation of blockchain technology aimed at optimizing business processes. They discussed the main implementation difficulties and economic effects of the technology. At the end of the Summit, the participants were awarded state certificates of advanced training in the field of the digital economy, issued by the Siberian State University named after academician M.F. Reshetnev.

The summit was opened with a series of introductory reports “Blockchain educational program. The Basics of Blockchain Technology in Digital Technology ” designed to reveal the perspectives of blockchain technology in business, government and the social sector for anyone interested in this technology and anyone who would like to understand the possibilities of using it in various sectors of the economy. The reports were made by the chief analyst and IR manager of the Descrow crowdfunding platform Dr. Vladislav Rutsky, as well as by Artem Yaakov and Maxim Makarov, the co-organizers of the event, the leaders of Crypton School and partners of the Descrow platform.

During the practical sessions, speakers presented the experience of using blockchain in practice within their own and partner organizations, showed the first results of pilot projects, and shared their expectations on the development of blockchain-based solutions.

Pavel Pomazanov, the CEO and co-founder of, a cryptocurrency exchange and investment company, spoke about risk management in the field of cryptoexchanges and cryptowallets, showed cases of successful work with the leaders of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges of the world, such as Binance, Kucoin, Bitfinex, etc. He drew a line between technology transparency and data security, and also shared his experience with the audit of information security of the blockchain systems.

Assistant Director of the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Research Center of Robotics “Airalab Rus” Anna Solomatina shared their experience of using blockchain technology in the economics of robots, showing cases of the real integration of technology into drone systems for monitoring and investigating environmental incidents, as well as into autonomous industrial production systems.

Board member of the Decenturion Foundation Maxim Zakomoldin shared the results of the introduction of blockchain technology into the system of the decentralized state “Decenturion”, which uses a combination of advanced technologies to build an effective economy and a progressive society.

Vladimir Galichev, Head of Trading at the Btcashclub investment fund, spoke about the legal regulation of the blockchain industry, the use of digital assets in the legal realities of today and the steps taken to legalize digital assets in various countries and the immediate prospects for the development of the market for digital assets and software products based on blockchain technology in Russia.

Presentations were made by experts in the field of mining, investment in crowdfunding projects (ICO-startups) and popular digital assets, in the field of trading in cryptocurrency markets.

Maxim Kulikov, CEO of the center of cryptoconsulting “Revolution”, described the methods of risk diversification in the cryptocurrency portfolio in details. He also spoke about the nuances of investing in various cryptocurrencies.

Professional miner Konstantin Lagutin, managing crypto-farms with more than 4,000 miners, spoke about the features of decentralized systems in the economy and the consensus algorithms used, their advantages and disadvantages compared to distributed and centralized systems. The speaker shared his experience of mining in modern situation and spoke about the prospects of mining as a way to make money.

A successful crypto trader and resident of the Crypton School Yevgeny Tychinsky analyzed the current situation on the cryptocurrency market, revealed the main trends in the development of such coins as Bitcoin and Etherium and made predictions for the near future.

Ernest Bachurin, expert on mergers, acquisitions and business protection, spoke about private investment in venture projects and assets of the blockchain industry in today’s market situation. He pointed out the main mistakes of inexperienced investors, shared his experience of investing in assets of start-ups-residents of Skolkovo Tech park.

In addition to presentations done by speakers at the summit, several sessions for panel discussion were held where expert speakers discussed the most topical issues of the blockchain industry and answered questions from the summit participants.

In particular, the summit participants discussed the practice of implementing blockchain projects and prospects of the tokenization of the real sector business. They also raised questions concerning collision of interests of the state and the private sector on issues of legal regulation of the industry. The experts also discussed the mechanisms could be used to fight fraudulent ICO projects (crowdfunding through the initial coin offering of cryptocurrency) and identified trends in the industry in this matter.

The special importance of the current moment for the blockchain industry was noted by Igor Boklazhuk, the project manager of the Descrow platform, who outlined alternative ways to address security issues in the field of crowdfunding through strict government regulation or through the development of self-regulation standards in the crowdfunding market.

Experts agreed that the direction of self-regulation of the blockchain venture investment market using smart contracts is the more promising, in particular, through a software solution for staged financing of projects that the Descrow platform is implementing on the crowdfunding market.

Within the framework of the summit, all participants were able to listen to the exclusive report of Elina Sidorenko, the head of the interdepartmental group on risk assessment of cryptocurrency turnover of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. The report was prepared exclusively for the summit participants. The expert shared the official position of the state in Russia and the world in relation to the use and regulation of digital assets and their prospects, spoke about the lawsuits being prepared in Russia, announced alternative views on the regulation of cryptocurrency by the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of Russia.

Following the summit, aimed at discussing a number of issues relevant for the blockchain industry, Descrow Platform solutions aimed at fighting crowdfunding fraud gained many supporters interested in working with project aimed at professionalization of venture investing and reducing its risks with the help of blockchain technology.

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