Following the Corda Meetup results, 14.11.2017, Moscow

Decentralized Escrow
1 min readNov 16, 2017


Corda meetup

The International blockchain consortium R3 lists as members more than 100 banks, insurance companies and public regulators, who jointly work on developing the Corda platform.

During the blockchain platform Corda Meetup held on 14th of November 2017 Descrow team held negotiations with Clive Cooke, R3 managing director and head of business development and international relations, and Alexey Blagirev, who is responsible for R3 and Corda development in Russia and CIS countries. As a result of this negotiations the following agreements have been reached:

Descrow platform will not limit its work to one blockchain platform and aims to develop the decentralised escrow on Corda platform
This software after required testing will be integrated into R3 partners working solutions in such areas as Digital Cash, Insurance, Digital Identity, KYC. This will allow putting through scalable international investment deals for private actors as well as institutions, implementing legitimate voting for communities and corporations within the blockchain market, and opening the opportunities for Descrow project future development.
Descrow team put the R3 consortium membership question in the working agenda.

Descrow — the international platform to secure investments.

