Warren Dunes State Park: A Journey Into Another World

Western Destinations
3 min readOct 24, 2014

If you’re looking for a new adventure that won’t disintegrate the contents of your wallet, you might want to take a trip to Michigan City, Ind. This gorgeous waterfront area will leave you breathless no matter what time of year you visit. We decided to explore the city in October when the autumn colors were at their peak and the air was just crisp enough to provide the total fall experience.

We had been to the area a few times before, but one of the great things about Michigan City is that there are always new sights to take in. During this trip, we planned to visit our friend, Warren, who happens to be the director of the Old Michigan City Lighthouse museum. The lighthouse at the edge of the harbor is pretty impressive, but it’s only one of many pieces to the sightseeing puzzle.

Unlike in other touristy areas, we didn’t feel like sheep being herded from sight to sight. We explored on our terms. When our stomachs overruled our curiosity, we had lunch at Hammer’s Restaurant. The unassuming atmosphere and simple menu were exactly what we wanted. We also visited Bubbles Ice Cream Parlor (directions), which was a lot like hanging out with the cool kids in the 1950s. You’d be surprised at how well old-fashioned charm pairs with hip flavors.

The most jaw-dropping part of our escapades was Warren Dunes State Park. This is no ordinary park. It’s only minutes from the city, but you’d swear it was in another world. The three miles of immaculate shoreline and the enormous sand dune rising more than 200 feet above Lake Michigan blew us away. We took as many pictures as possible of the views, including the midnight blue water and surprisingly large waves.

During our venture, we were able to experience the quiet of nature. Entrance to the park is only $9, but we would have paid much more to discover that magical tranquility. Being the only people in the park, we could actually hear the cool breeze blowing in from the north. We were even able to capture some pictures of a wild turkey right in the middle of the road. It’s hard to believe so much natural beauty was ours to enjoy uninterrupted. Thanks to Warren Dunes, our Michigan City adventure was elevated to an entirely new level.

About the authors:
Bridget and JP — Traveling the world for 17 years, more than 50 countries. Bridget and JP aim to connect world through food, adventure and people.



Western Destinations

There’s nothing like driving the California coastline, a road trip through Utah, and contemplating the wild Arizona.