SpringBoot — API Versioning — Fast&Easy

2 min readApr 6, 2023


SpringBoot — API Versioning

⚒️ Types of API Versioning

  1. URI Versioning
  2. Request Parameter
  3. (Custom) Header Versioning

URI Approach


public class StudentVersioningController {

public StudentV1 studentV1() {
return new StudentV1("Bob Charlie");

public StudentV2 studentV2() {
return new StudentV2(new Name("Bob", "Charlie"));

Request Parameter Approach


public class StudentVersioningController {

@GetMapping(value = "/student/param", params = "version=1")
public StudentV1 paramV1() {
return new StudentV1("Bob Charlie");

@GetMapping(value = "/student/param", params = "version=2")
public StudentV2 paramV2() {
return new StudentV2(new Name("Bob", "Charlie"));

(Custom) Header Approach


public class StudentVersioningController {

@GetMapping(value = "/student", headers = "X-API-VERSION=1")
public StudentV1 headerV1() {
return new StudentV1("Bob Charlie");

@GetMapping(value = "/student", headers = "X-API-VERSION=2")
public StudentV2 headerV2() {
return new StudentV2(new Name("Bob", "Charlie"));

🤔 Following factors affect the choice of versioning:

  • URI Pollution — URL versions and Request Param versioning pollute the URI space.
  • Misuse of HTTP Headers — Accept Header is not designed to be used for versioning.
  • Caching — If you use Header based versioning, we cannot cache just based on the URL. You would need take the specific header into consideration.
  • Can we execute the request on the browser? — If you have non technical consumers, then the URL based version would be easier to use as they can be executed directly on the browser.
  • API Documentation — How do you get your documentation generation to understand that two different urls are versions of the same service?

🛑 BUT, there is no perfect solution for versioning

Famous Companies and their way of API Versioning:

  • (Custom) Headers: Microsoft
  • URI Versioning: Twitter
  • Request Parameter Versioning: Amazon

Keep Coding 🚀,


