Ahhh yes, the human race. I wonder why ?

2 min readSep 6, 2022


We have proven time and time again that we are not to be trusted, we segregate ourselves through borders of nationality, skin colour, beliefs and ideals. We promise, betray and extinguish those who are our likeness. What chance do those who are not alike have?

We deceive, spread lies and propaganda from the top of our very own governments and organisations; all the way to the bottom. To the slaves, the labourers, the working class… the very fabric of our society. Then opposite we do, all the way back up the chain.

We often alienate and criminalise others while doing the very same thing, contradiction and hypocrisy. The bread and butter of the human race. Victims of our own delusion while we ignore the victims of reality. Confused we get; as to why people turn to doing bad things or evil deeds while pushing them over the edge, the edge we often put them on.

We spread inequality when talking about equality, we further divide ourselves when we speak of unification. Divide and conquer some will say… but is it not just Ignorance and greed? Two other traits that our race excels on.

World war 2 was the final warning. Instead of pulling our resources and technology for the betterment of the human race. We treated each other as enemies at every opportunity and wondered why we get treated in-kind?

Our race, our species… with so much potential. sabotaged at every chance, through ancient. pointless, petty grievances and conflicts, uncooperative cooperation, hidden agendas and deadly games. Unlearned history that points to the same conclusion time and time again; unless we change ourselves that is.

A self-fulfilling prophecy I fear the human race is, as amazing dreams of old become reality through technology. Planes that fly through the sky, instant communication around the globe, vision for the blind, hearing for the deaf, prosthetic limbs and the gift of being able to bring those who should have died back from the dead. But alas. It has all been squandered.

The same is also true for nightmares. We can speak, warn and even predict disaster. yet we race towards it as fast as we can, instead of racing to prevent it.




Why? Why is that human being I treated so abusively and unkind, that human being I treated as an enemy? Repaying me in-kind?

I Wonder…


I wonder indeed.




Freaky, spooky and hopefully somewhat scary stories! Welcome to my realm of fantasy.